Digestion is something that some people may think is a simple part of life but it is much to the contrary. It is a very complex process and in every sense of the word, essential to our health and bodily functions. You may ask how or why? What I would say to that is simple, without digestion in its efficient form means, we as human beings and how we live our life today will be totally different. Put it this way, the most elegant and most beautifully designed cars in the world will be nothing without an efficient high performance engine because it is not going to run. As engineers today look at and keep on furthering research on how to make a car’s engine become more efficient to make it run smoother, faster and with better fuel economy we also need to build our understanding of our engine which is our digestive system.
Just like cars we are what is within us and this actually is more true on our case because our skin, the way we smell, the way we look are influenced by what we eat and all the right food in the world will be useless if it is not digested properly and its vitamins and minerals left unabsorbed. This is where substances like probiotics and digestive enzymes come in and unlike the metaphor I used in which we as ordinary people need not worry ourselves about engine advancements we could not use the same line of thinking with our digestive system, even if we are not doctors or scientists we need to know how to take care of and improve our digestive system’s efficiency. First step in doing that is to know the substances that will help us do that.
Probiotics VS Enzymes
Simply put probiotics are microorganisms because they are bacteria that are used in medical treatments to help yield positive effects in any patient’s condition. As a testament to its effectiveness it is often used as the embodiment of what good bacteria are and is commonly referred to as such. Probiotics are found in abundance in the digestive tract, helping along the digestive process through aiding in stool secretion and nutrient absorption. However its main function is to maintain the lining of the intestines through constant cleansing and protection from harmful toxins.
On the other hand, enzymes are more like chemicals that are responsible for the actual digestion and are most responsible for breaking down the food we eat. In fact there are specific types of enzymes for each type of food we ingest for it to be broken down. Porteases are for breaking down protein into amino acids, lipases are for processing fats or lipids and carbohydrases are for breaking down carbohydrates into simple sugars or glucose for energy use.
So in summation the best way to look at it is that these two essential substances in the digestive system are here to work together because one will not be as good without the other. The function of each is almost rendered useless without the other.
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