Eating foods that are rich in fiber can improve your gut health immensely; fiber helps with constipation in particular. Chewing gum can help your body with heartburn, which is caused by your body producing too much acid. Slowing down when you eat and moderating your portion size can also help your … [Read more...]
Many people deal with constipation on a daily basis, but very few realize what causes constipation. Constipation is commonly defined as infrequent bowel movements that are hard and difficult to pass. The medical community defines constipation as "fewer than three bowel movements per … [Read more...]
Higher Fiber Foods Can Reduce Constipation
Constipation is a common problem. A lot of people experience this problem once they find it difficult to get bowel movements. A number of the causes can be attributed to these infrequent bowel movements. That might be the result of medications, digestive disorders, and lack of fibers in the food. If … [Read more...]
Causes of Constipation
Constipation is defined as having fewer than three bowel movements a week, especially if hard stools are being passed, and physical straining is involved. If this condition lasts for more than 12 months, it is referred to as chronic constipation. Almost everyone has experienced constipation at some … [Read more...]
The Best Herbs For Relieving Constipation
Are you seeking herbs for constipation relief? There are many unique herbs that can be consumed in order to put an end to the discomfort associated with constipation. Great herbs for treating issues related to hard stools include the use of Aloe Vera, Psyllium Husk, Fenugreek, and Cayenne Pepper. … [Read more...]
Which Is Safer For Constipation: Senna Or Magnesium?
Constipation can feel like a curse sometimes and it's always a struggle to find relief. Eating a lot of fruit and vegetables or taking a special drink may seem like a good idea, but they may also make you even more bloated and constipated. Hardly the picture of relief. Fortunately there are natural … [Read more...]
Is There Something To Help Prevent Constipation?
What is constipation? This can be a question that is really disturbing you .Constipation actually is a condition where your bowel movement becomes infrequent or difficult. Due to this irregularity in bowel movements it leads to difficulties in passing feces.When you have constipation you will … [Read more...]
Constipation Remedies
Constipation is a very common problem of the digestive system and it means different things to many people. This can be defined as less frequent bowel movements than normal and difficulty in passing stool. This condition makes you feel bloated, heavy and uncomfortable and everybody has … [Read more...]
The Governments Definition of What Constipation Looks Like, You Got To Be Kidding Me
The U.S. Department Of Health and Human Services, National Digestive Diseases Info. defines constipation as when one has a bowel movement fewer than 3 times per week. IMO, if you are not going at least once per day, you have a case of constipation! In a perfect world we should have 2 - 3 bowel … [Read more...]
What Is the health Benefits Of Nettle Leaves?
Nettle Nettle is a species of plant that has more than twenty kinds, and each of its type has a different healing effect on the human body. Generally grown in the almost all areas of Europe, Africa, England, Asia and america, the nettle leaves have numerous benefits to the mankind. Nettle … [Read more...]