What is chamomile Chamomile oil is a product that has been in existence for a very long in the world. For a very long time in the past, chamomile oil was used in tea as well as in drinks. However, due to its overwhelming health benefits, chamomile oil has gained exceptional popularity in the … [Read more...]
The Health Benefits Of The Herb Vitex
Vitex or chasteberry Vitex is also known as chasteberry. It is often used to lower the level of testosterone in men and in women, it regulates hormone imbalances. It is very popular due to its effectiveness in the treatment of PMS, menstrual disorders, menopausal symptoms such as infertility, … [Read more...]
Can Guggul Help Lower Cholesterol?
What Are The Health Benefits Of Cinnamon Bark?
Cinnamon Bark For many years, the use of cinnamon has been confined to the kitchen, where it was used as a popular spice both in cooking and baking. However, recent scientific research has revealed that cinnamon bark are not only delicious, but have health benefits as well. The health benefits of … [Read more...]
Can Ginger Help With Queasy Stomach?
Ginger Usually, people feel queasy, nauseous and squeamish due to dyspepsia or an upset stomach. There are a variety of conditions like greasy foods, excessive stomach acid or a stomach infection that can cause the stomach to become upset and lead to a queasy feeling in the stomach. Most people … [Read more...]
What can I Use To Combat Radiation Poisoning?
Radiation Poisoning is a combination of many signs and symptoms which is a result of exposure to large amounts of ionizing radiation for a long period of time. Ionizing radiation contains electromagnetic waves that potentially produce large doses of free radicals which are highly destructive to the … [Read more...]
How Does Ginger Root Help the Stomach?
Ginger root is a spice highly valued for its distinct pungency. It gives off an agreeable aroma, which is caused by organic compounds noted to have medicinal potential. Indeed herbal preparations of ginger have been around for more than a thousand years. In India, where it is consumed in large … [Read more...]