You can increase your brain power and concentration by taking green tea. Several scientific studies have discovered that it contains three major active ingredients that have a dramatic effect on boosting the brain. These active ingredients include; caffeine Catechin Epigallocachin Gallate … [Read more...]
Can L-Theanine From Green Tea Help Ease Stress?
L-Theanine The Stress Amino Acid: Stress is one of the most common problems found among an increasing number of individual in today's world. Anxiety, lack of sleep, digestive problems and heart diseases are some of the major outcome of stress. Various researches have been conducted to find out a … [Read more...]
Essentials Of Theanine-How It Promotes A Sound Mind
Tired of dealing with stressful work tasks everyday? Well, giving up isn't an option. You just need something to ease your mind no matter what pressured situation you find yourself into. Perhaps a dose of theanine loaded green tea is all you need. What is Theanine? Theanine is amongst the most … [Read more...]
How Does L-Theanine Help Relax The Brain?
What Does Theanine Do For The Brain?
What is Theanine? Theanine is an amino acid found in tea leaves, especially green tea (Camellia sinensis). In fact, it is between 1% and 2% of dry tea leaves and made more than 50% of all amino acids tea. It exists only in the form of free amino acid that promotes rapid absorption. Currently, … [Read more...]
Why is Green Tea So Good for Me?
Green Tea And Your Health Green tea is the ultimate health tonic. Its health benefits have been documented for over 4000 years, making it the most extensively studied among all beverages. Modern research points to organic compounds naturally occurring in the leaves of Camellia sinensis and their … [Read more...]