The impact of glaucoma can be reduced by eating a diverse diet consisting of leafy green vegetables, fruits and other foods that have a high carotenoid content. Plenty of exercise and getting the proper amount of sleep also maximizes your health potential. Antioxidant supplements and vitamins are … [Read more...]
Vitamin A Is Essential For A Strong Immune System
Vitamin A is a group of unsaturated organic compounds which are nutritional and it includes retinal, retinoic acid, retinol, and several pro vitamin A carotenoids, and beta-carotene. Vitamin A is found in Cod liver oil, livers of chicken, pork, fish and beef, and it is also available in papaya, … [Read more...]
What Are the Essential Vitamins Needed To Help the Thyroid Function
Largest Endocrine organ The thyroid is the largest endocrine organ in the body present in front of the neck in humans. The main function of this gland is to control the body's basal metabolic rate. It does this by secreting two hormones known as thyroxin (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). The … [Read more...]
What Are The Benefits Of Norwegian Cod Liver Oil?
Just what is the medicinal value of cod liver oil? That is one of the major question that goes through our minds when cod liver oil is mentioned. If you are looking for answers to the above question then you are in the right place. This article takes a look at some of the benefit that this oil has … [Read more...]
Health Benefits Of The Dandelion Root
Dandelion root To many gardeners, the dandelion plant is a cursed wild weed but to nutritionists it is a blessing and an answer to most of their health problems. Dandelion root is a vitamin packed root providing the user with vitamin A, C, D and B complex. All these vitamins are proven … [Read more...]
Main advantages of using vitamin supplementsA
A Few Vitamins And Their Benefits (a)Phylloquinone (Vitamin K1)-This is the natural form of vitamin k. There is no side effects reported about this form of vitamin K and is therefore considered to be safer. The primary sources are dark green vegetables. This vitamin is an antioxidant in the cell … [Read more...]
Why Zinc is so important for Improving Overall health?
What Vitamins Are Considered Antioxidants And What Do They Do In The Body?
Antioxidants One of the many diseases that is getting very common these days is cancer; the worse thing is that, there is no real cure for the disease yet at present. Prevention is really very important so that you can spare yourself from suffering. The best measure that you can do is to include … [Read more...]