Are you over 50 years old, and do you drink things with caffeine or other stimulants? They could be taking longer to absorb in your body. This article talks more about that. This could be affecting your moods and your sleep. It is a good read because it can make you rethink your drink choices. … [Read more...]
Archives for January 2017
Top 7 causes of cancer and smart alternatives for prevention and healing
When it comes to cancer and its causes, there are seven of the top causes of cancer in general when it comes to food, beverages, and even medicine. The top seven causes when it comes to cancer when it concerns food, beverages, and medicine, include fluoridated water, artificial sweeteners, nitrates … [Read more...]
Friendly bacteria helps to improve your digestive system
The body contains a large amount of friendly bacterial cells that reside in the digestive system. They are called microflora. Probiotics make them healthy and perfectly balanced. Most of the new medical studies suggest that good bacteria in the gut can assist the body fight the bad ones which are … [Read more...]
If you live near busy roads you may get this brain disorder
I have lived near busy roads my entire life and have never heard of this. It's very interesting because so many I know could be affected. There are highways and busy roads everywhere. This is definitely something I now want to do more research on. Reading this has brought it to my attention and I'm … [Read more...]
Back to work blues you’re feeling are real, and treatable
When it comes to the holiday season, the back to work blues is something that everyone feels. This feeling however is real as well as actually treatable. According to a recent study by Dr. Randy Hillard, this is because people set so high of hopes for themselves coming into the Christmas time. … [Read more...]
Life-enhancing Reasons For Including Fish In Your Diet
Fish which is both low in calories and high in protein, should be a part of a healthy diet. It's high in Omega-3 fatty acids which is important for brain function, it is also a good source of vitamin D. The benefits range from promoting healthy skin, improving depressive disorders and even help … [Read more...]
6 arthritis fighters you should be eating
Arthritis is a debilitating disorder that many of us have and can have. But due to current and ongoing medicinal research, life becomes easier and more manageable even with Arthritis. Those afflicted are looking for more ways to combat this desease. This list portrays 6 arthritis fighting foods to … [Read more...]
4 Facts You Should Know About How Alcohol Affects Your Heart
I know a lot of us like drinking at least once in a while but there are some facts you may need to know about how alcohol affects your heart. Alcohol can affect medicines that you may be on for your health. Overindulging in alcohol can lead to a irregular heartbeat. This is called atrial … [Read more...]
Many Misuse OTC Sleep Aids: Survey
Are you Addicted to sleep? Insomnia and sleepless nights take a toll on our body. When we can't take the late nights anymore we turn to over-the-counter sleep aids. However, are those sleep aids we take every night before bed really giving us a restful night, or are we putting ourselves at risk for … [Read more...]
Top five superfoods for new mothers to increase lactation!
There are 5 foods that are essential for lactating mothers to make sure baby is getting all that is needed for development. Breastfeeding can help reduce allergies and protect against infections along with helping their mental and physical health. Almonds, fish (especially salmon), spinach, brown … [Read more...]
B Vitamins That Support Adrenal Function
The adrenal gland is one of the most important glands in the human body. Specifically found in the kidney, the adrenal glands are the sites where important bodily hormones such as adrenaline, aldosterone, and cortisol are produced. These hormones have crucial roles in some of the most important … [Read more...]
Prevent Muscle Loss with High Protein Diet
If you do not take sufficient amount of protein when dieting, you will lose more muscles than fat. The issue is that requirements adjust over time based on many factors. Another issue is that suggestions for protein are not made for dieting sportsman. There is a beneficial tool designed for … [Read more...]
Office exercise: Add more activity to your workday
Finding time to exercise can be a challenge when you also work full time. Instead of skipping exercise because you don't have time to go to the gym, you can incorporate movement into your workday. Something as simple as changing your commute so that you walk a little farther, or standing part of the … [Read more...]
Osteoporosis diet plan: Foods to eat and avoid
Osteoporosis is a bone disease that occurs when the body loses too much bone, makes too little bone, or both. As a result, bones become weak and may break from a fall or, in serious cases, from sneezing or minor bumps. Your diet can help deal with your predicament by avoiding these foods and eating … [Read more...]
Health Tip: Get Enough Vitamin C
Do you want to protect yourself and your family from sniffles and colds this winter? According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics one of the best things you can do is consume more Vitamin C. In addition to helping the body repair itself, Vitamin C is also good for absorbing excess iron. For … [Read more...]
Vitamin D improves gut flora and metabolic syndrome
Scientists have recently performed testing on mice that resulted in Vitamin D improving the gut flora and metabolic syndrome. Extra amounts of vitamin D was found to restore good bacteria in the gut, giving insight to the fight against the risk factors for diseases such as diabetes and heart … [Read more...]
Mushrooms for nutrition and health
Are you into “shrooms?” They are no longer just for hippies. Mushrooms are now known to have many essentials that are needed for a good and healthy diet. These little gems are perfect for anyone, but they are especially great for the elderly and growing kids. They are packed with protein and … [Read more...]
Maintain a Healthy Immune System
Researches over the previous ten years has presented that nutrition plays an important role in supporting the immune system. Antioxidants, protein, important fatty acids and some minerals and vitamins are all important to a good immune system. Most of the researches has presented that protein … [Read more...]
Boost Testosterone to Build Muscles and Cure Erectile Dysfunction
If you are suffering from erectile dysfunction, low sex drive, gaining belly fat, frequently tired or finding it hard to build muscles, it could be that your testosterone level is low. This is a hormone that is critical to your health and general well-being. Many people think that low level affects … [Read more...]
These Foods Aren’t Genetically Modified but They Are ‘Edited’
Food will change again over the next few years with lots of foods being Genetically Altered. In the next few years we could see potatoes that don`t turn brown or soy beans that have a healthier mix of fatty acids. These foods are called Gene-edited instead of genetically modified. Gene-edited is … [Read more...]
CBD and THC are the main two components of the marijuana plant. CBD offers low side effects with medical results. CBD does not have mind altering effects that THC has. CBD has been proven to help pain and inflammation, produces antipsychotic effects, reduces anxiety, fights cancer, relieves nausea, … [Read more...]
Flu Season is Getting Worse, CDC Says
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention predicts this year's flu season will be worse than last year's. Washington state, Idaho, California, Oregon, and parts of the mid-Atlantic states and the northeast have been the hardest hit areas so far, according to the CDC's report. Flu kills 4000 to … [Read more...]
Gelatin supplements: Good for your joints?
Do you love Jell-O? If so, you can possibly improve the condition of your worn body. New research suggest that exercise along with a gelatin supplement can help rebuild your ligaments that have been damaged, either by natural aging or by high intensity athletics. Eight healthy men participated in a … [Read more...]
Reduce Fatigue And Improve Mood With Rhodiola
Clinical studies on Rhodiola herb reveal that it can help us live longer and happier. First, Rhodiola Rosea is suggested to increase lifespan for its anti-ageing and anti-stress benefits. Second, it has been found to be useful in treating mild to moderate depression. These are perhaps two of the … [Read more...]
Spice up Your Immune System With Curcumin
Curcumin is a polyphenolic compound bioflavonoid found in turmeric. Turmeric curcumin has many health benefits. It is a fantastic anti-inflammation, antioxidant, antifungal and antiseptic substance. Accordingly, it is used to cure many lifestyle diseases. The underlying fact is its ability to keep … [Read more...]
Personal Health: Hooked on Our Smartphones
The article basically argues the case for using our cell phones less. There's a statistic mentioned in the article that we actually check our smartphones on average 150 times a day. That's extremely excessive. The article points out how this technology has its usefulness but is interfering in our … [Read more...]
Stock up on these anti-inflammatory ingredients
Lack of energy, skin issues, breathing problems, heart disease, asthma – those of us with sensitive stomachs know the unpleasant side effects of gut inflammation. Fortunately, foods like turmeric, olive oil, sweet potatoes, bell peppers, and garlic all have great anti-inflammatory properties that … [Read more...]
Suffering from arthritis? Include these foods in your diet!
Arthritis is a universally common disease that causes painful joint inflammation and severe pain. However, arthritis can be treated and even prevented with a few simple dietary changes. Firstly, the addition of fish and olive oil have proven to alleviate inflammation throughout the body, due to its … [Read more...]
Why high blood sugar causes heart attacks
The type of beverage you drink everyday is an important thing you should consider. We normally hear medical professionals advise us to drink 8 glasses of water daily. Taking sugary beverages can lead to a lot of complications in the body. The most severe one is no doubt - heart diseases. If sugar … [Read more...]
Apple cider vinegar helps blood sugar, body fat, studies say
Apple Cider Vinegar is considered one of the healthiest things you can put in your body. It is reported to have many benefits, but are any of those claims backed up. One study says yes, they results found a positive relationship with blood sugar and body fat. So keep drinking up. Key … [Read more...]
Best Antioxidant Vitamins
Vitamins and minerals are essential aspects of our diet, however, many of these have to be extracted from the diet rather than being made in vitro. Our bodies have the ability to extract these vitamins and minerals and use them for essential body processes such as cell development, hormone … [Read more...]
Report: US cancer deaths down 25% since 1991
Even though cancer is still the leading cause of death in the United States things are starting to look more positive. Cancer deaths are down 25% in recent years. Some factors that are responsible for this are because of a reduction in smoking and an increase in early detection. This is great news … [Read more...]
Flu Season is Getting Worse, CDC Says
Flu season is here and it's getting worse . Flu is the most widespread illness across the united States of America. It's very busy and hospital s have been at full max capacity . Which they say is not uncommon . The flu usually hits the youngest and the oldest and kills between 4 to 50 thousands … [Read more...]
The nutrient you didn’t know you were missing
Choline is a lesser known nutrient that most people don’t even consider when building up their nutrition guide. Due to this, most Americans aren’t receiving the amount of choline that they need, despite it being a nutrient that’s found in a variety of foods. However, the problem arises in that … [Read more...]
Immune System Reboots During Sleep
Sleep, and the lack of it, hits the body in all sorts of ways. This blogger notes a recent study done to evaluate the role of sleep and it's impact on the body's production of T-cells, the white blood cells so important to fighting off germs and illness. Researchers found that T-cell levels fall … [Read more...]
Essential vitamins you should begin taking after 50 – Manning Live – Manning Live
As you get older, your body needs different vitamins in order to handle the changes associated with aging. After 50, there are at least 3 vitamins you should be looking for. Vitamin B12 is one of these vitamins. It’s found in meats and animal products, however as you get older the ability to absorb … [Read more...]
Moving from New Year’s Resolutions to Setting Intentions: 5 Tips to Help You Start
All of us are guilty of breaking our New Year's resolutions and according to this blogger we do so because we are simply vague in the promises we keep to ourselves. By making resolutions that we actually stick with we should be intentional about it, specific about it, and most importantly our … [Read more...]
Microwave ovens ‘fluke’ your heart while they ‘nuke’ your food – alarming studies reveal microwave frequency radiation can affect heart and blood
Microwaving food has now been shown to have negative consequences on their hearts. These consequences can be severe, such as an alarm response to stress, also referred to as rapid aging syndrome. Additionally, microwaving can lead to blood sugar spikes such as those like diabetes. Cooking meat in … [Read more...]
Does Living Near Major Roads Boost Dementia Risk?
Medical science has found a link between an increased risk of dementia and those who live in the vicinity of heavy traffic or a major roadway. No firm explanation for how traffic increases one's risk for developing dementia is given but the study was quite large (6.6 million involved) and numerous … [Read more...]
Want to be smarter and have a better memory? Eat foods rich in this
Many people want to lavish in a great life lived and wish for their children to be smart. That comes with a great memory. A recent study done in the University of Illinois has found that eating foods rich in lutein will help to promote a healthy brain. Examples of foods containing lutein include … [Read more...]
How Does Benfotiamine Help Bring Down Blood Sugar?
Benfotiamine is a little-known fat soluble form of vitamin B1. Numerous studies show the vitamin can indeed help to prevent the progression and development of many diabetic complications. It has become a very vital nutrient for people seeking to regulate blood sugar levels. For decades, … [Read more...]
Pomegranates — the answer to holiday sugar glut
Are you like most people and over indulge on delicious food throughout the holidays? There is a simple nature way to help get the bloat away. Its easy: Pomegranate seeds...A 1/2 cup provides over 3.5g of fiber, this prevents a sugar rush and provides actual sustained energy, they also have powers … [Read more...]
Lawsuit in U.S. says Coca-Cola downplays risks of sugary drinks
Everyone knows that sugar is bad for you and that you should limit your intake. It surely doesn't help when the companies are completely don playing the amount of sugar you are actually drinking. Coca-Cola is currently going through a lawsuit because they downplayed the amount of sugar that is … [Read more...]
Liquid Vitamins vs. Tablet Vitamins: Which Should You Choose?
The article discusses the benefits of taking liquid vitamins instead of tablet vitamins. Vitamins are important to take in some form because of the lack of nutrition in our diets and the stress in our lives. According to this article liquid vitamins are a better option for several reasons. The have … [Read more...]
Give peanut to babies early – advice
Researchers have discovered that early exposure to peanuts can cut the likelihood of peanut allergies by up to 80%. Previous studies encouraged parents to wait till age 3 to begin introduction however with allergen rates soaring across much of the US this new approach could cut those rates … [Read more...]
Diet or exercise: Which matters more?
With people's busy lifestyle, we have to be careful what we take in if we want to lose weight and be fit. Exercise is great and needs to be done, however, you have to watch what you eat and drink in order to obtain a healthy and fit lifestyle. You need to count the calories in your food and drink … [Read more...]
Alpha Lipoic Acid is great for the body
Alpha Lipoic Acid is a favorite within the antioxidant sector. It is the most recent item to gain such popularity in such a short time. Antioxidants remove free radicals which become introduced to our body through harmful practices such as poor dieting and being exposed to pollution. It may … [Read more...]
How Can One Tell The Numerous Fish Oils From Each Other?
As the world becomes increasingly aware of health, there's been a marked increase in the interest in omega-3 fish oils and their myriad benefits for health. What gives fish oil its health benefits is the fact that they are saturated with omega-3 fatty acids. A few examples of the benefits of … [Read more...]
Common insecticides found to be far more dangerous to health than previously believed
A class of pesticides may be worse than initially thought. Seeds are coated with these pesticides so the plant absorbs the entire thing. To insects, these pesticides, called neonicotinoids, are like nicotine and impact their central nervous system. These pesticides are beginning to become banned in … [Read more...]
The Checkup: The Cough That Doesn’t Go Away
A bad cough that a child has can be very worrisome. It is an age-old tale of a child falling ill and eventually dying from a cough. There are many things parents can do to keep their child healthy. Love and some soup is one of those ways, it means a lot. Read on for more. Key Takeaways: Coughs are … [Read more...]
Study links vitamin D deficiency to metabolic syndrome in mice
Metabolic syndrome is a terrible condition to have, as it is often the precursor to terrible diseases such as Diabetes. New research has now found that metabolic syndrome has been linked to a vitamin D deficiency in mice. Vitamin D is an important thing to have but is also easy to find. Go outside … [Read more...]
Look who grasps the vaccine-autism connection… Congressman Tom Price, President Trump’s pick for Secretary of Health and Human Services
Trumps selection of Secretary of Health and Human Services, Tom Price, has doubts about vaccinations and their links to neurological disorders and autism. AAPS, a group of physicians that oppose mandatory vaccinations, are in support of the pick and question mandatory vaccinations, manly that they … [Read more...]
Drinking on Antidepressants
When one suffers clinical depression, he or she should consider cutting out drinking alcohol - as one ages, the depressant effects of alcohol increase due to the changes in body chemistry. In addition, there are very few reputable studies about drinking when taking antidepressants, so it is wise to … [Read more...]
Synthetic Vitamins – Look Out For Active B Vitamins
In the quest to get healthier, many people have turned to taking vitamin supplements to help them out. There's no mystery to why people are using vitamins at all; physicians are constantly telling their patients just how important vitamin supplements are to optimal health. As is usually the case … [Read more...]
You Have to Earn Reduced Cancer Risk
The very word cancer puts fear into the average person. It affects us all as we all know of friends or even family members that have been inflicted with this villain. This terrifying disease is predicted to soar worldwide by 2020 as the number of overweight and obese people also soars. Our … [Read more...]
Kids devouring too much ‘breakfast sugar’ warning
Children are consuming far too much sugar, specifically around breakfast time where they are already taking in half the amount recommended. Excessive sugar consumption has resulted in childhood obesity, dental problems, and serious health issues like type 2 diabetes. These problems can be … [Read more...]
Radioactive fish from Fukushima nuclear plant found on west coast of US
Ever since the Fukushima disaster caused by the 2011 earthquake, radioactive material has been detected spreading toward North America's west coast. This was first detected in Canadian salmon with elevated Cs-134. Cs-137 levels have also been increasing in the central north east Pacific - from … [Read more...]
Secondhand smoke endangers pets, raises their risk of cancer
For years many of our parents smoked with us nearby in unventilated homes and cars. Secondhand smoke is still a killer lurking in our homes. Secondhand smoke is detrimental to humans including our children. It is also dangerous to pets, including dogs, cats and even fish. Researchers have found … [Read more...]
Blood test for hidden heart disease
An inexpensive blood test can help predict whether apparently healthy people are at risk of a heart attack. The test looks for a protein called tropinin. Studies have found that men with high levels of tropinin are more likely to die of heart disease. Researchers believe tropinin testing should have … [Read more...]
How drugs can contribute to an early death
Drug users may be surprised to learn that even though they stop using there are fundamental physiological and neurological changes made to their bodies that result in shortened life spans. Even users who have stopped using long ago may find that their health has been impaired and their lives … [Read more...]
Best Superfoods & Vitamins at a Health Food Store to Thrive on a Raw Vegan Diet
When it comes to super foods and vitamins at a health food store for someone with a raw vegan diet to thrive on, there is a lot of choices in general. One of the problem with people who have a raw vegan diet in general is that they do not have the correct ratios of essential fats in general. These … [Read more...]
Everyday Pain Relievers May Be Linked to Hearing Loss in Some Women
Hearing ability naturally decreases as one ages and thus reduces one's quality of life. Do over-the-counter pain medicines increase hearing loss in women? It seems that ibuprofen (Motrin) and acetaminophen (Tylenol) if used for long periods of time, such as six years, may be a contributing factor in … [Read more...]
Health Benefits of Alpha Lipoic Acid
Dozens of face creams made for ladies contain a key element known as alpha lipoic acid. Men might never consider slathering these lotions anywhere on the penis, and that's a good thing, as these creams are not necessarily designed with the health needs of the manhood in mind. However, men should … [Read more...]
Enlightening Information About 5-LOX And The Right 5-LOX Inhibitor
5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX) is a proinflammatory enzyme which is a potent contributor to inflammation processes. This means that this particular enzyme enhances the process of inflammation therefore increasing chances of getting different kinds of diseases. 5-LOX is the first enzyme in the metabolic … [Read more...]
Pregnant women need vitamin D for neonatal health
There is a lot of worry and stress that come to you when pregnant. One of the bigger stressers is whether or not your doing enough for your babies health while they are growing. While we are concentrating on what we need to put into our bodies for our babies health, we can't forget about the need … [Read more...]
Autoimmune disease: The war within
Autoimmune diseases are silent battles that many deal with, the most common autoimmune diseases are Rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. The key, prevalent factor among all autoimmune diseases is inflammation. Basically, when you have an autoimmune disease, your body is mistaking your healthy cells for … [Read more...]
Walking your children home from school and driving while caffeinated are now felony crimes in police state America
Imagine being in trouble with the law for walking your kids home from school or drinking caffeine and driving. Sounds crazy I know but one city in Texas made it a felony crime to walk your children to school. While in California a man got arrested for a DUI but not for alcohol but caffeine instead! … [Read more...]
The real secret to a healthy heart
Exercise. Everyone knows they should do more of it but rarely follow through. When most people think of exercise, they mainly worry about losing weight. However, this article shows the major benefits of exercise when it pertains to your heart. This article will explain the benefits exercise provides … [Read more...]
Superfoods is a better choice than comfort food
It is important during stressful times in one's life to turn towards superfoods as a healthy solution. Many of us instead turn to comfort foods, but these only provide temporary relief and in the end will only make things worse. Superfoods are both good for us physically and good for us mentally by … [Read more...]
FDA suggests new limit on lead used in lipstick… are you painting your face with toxic heavy metals?
Cosmetic products are very popular now in days with the media and social media exposure, but what are you really putting on your face. The FDA is recommending lower limits for lead in many of these popular cosmetic products. Claiming these products contain to much lead and pose a potential public … [Read more...]
The serious health consequences of putting your laptop on your lap
Now that lapt0ps are surpassing desktops as the most common form of computers, let’s discuss a serious risk they pose. If you’re literally placing the device on your lap, you’re putting yourself at risk for several health concerns. Computer users who keep their laptop on their lap can develop a skin … [Read more...]
Riboflavin Can Help Prevent Cataracts
While cataracts are often related to aging, they are the leading cause of blindness in the world today. A cataract affects vision by clouding the victim’s natural eye lens that lies behind the pupil and the iris. As a matter of fact, cataracts develop naturally as people age. They are a result of … [Read more...]
Maintain Healthy Blood Sugar Levels With Chromium
Among the many forms of chromium supplements sold in the market today, the most popular is chromium picolinate. This supplement can be purchased without a prescription since it falls under the nutritional supplement category. There are a variety of reasons why people take chromium picolinate. … [Read more...]
The health advantages of marriage
When it comes to marriage there are a few health advantages that come with marriage in general. The fist one is that research shows that married people enjoy better health than single people. The next benefit is that people who are married tend to live longer compared to those that are single. … [Read more...]
Drink This At Night To Reduce Inflammation
Do you experience inflammation at night? Check out this article about the health benefits of turmeric. Beyond its benefits over inflammation, turmeric is also believed to benefit your lifestyle in many ways including the following: help improve cognitive function, aide the body’s natural antioxidant … [Read more...]
Vitamins Play An Important Role For Younger Skin – Counsel & Heal
Looking for a way to achieve that young looking skin without spending thousands?? Your in the right place. Vitamins, besides all the obvious benefits to taking vitamins, studies report that now they will help your skin look and feel younger. People have been paying thousands trying to achieve … [Read more...]
Anti-Aging Process Rejuvenates Lab Mice: Study
Ahh to be young again. These are the thoughts of many aging individuals. This article describes the progress researchers have made towards anti-aging. As a result of gene manipulation called cellular reprogramming, researchers were able to counter aging in mice and were also able to make human skin … [Read more...]
Katie Seaver: An Intuitive Eating Trick That Requires Zero Restriction
How do you resist the rich, decadent brownie that’s an arm’s reach away? Katie, founder of an organization that teaches people how to stop dieting and enjoy food more, has just the trick. Simply tell yourself you can eat it the very next time you feel hungry. And make sure to keep that promise to … [Read more...]
The Secret To Treating Autoimmune Disease May Lie In The Gut
The number of Americans with autoimmune diseases has raised at an alarming rate. Nearly 20 percent of the general population has one of these diseases. Though we don't know what causes it, new research suggests that bacteria in the intestinal tract could have a large impact. A new study reveals more … [Read more...]
Avoid These 10 Foods If You Have Joint Pain
As you get older joint pain may seem inevitable. It does not have to be, there are many factors that can limit joint pain. One way to do this is by eating certain food that is anti-inflammatory. On the other hand, there are many foods, like processed food and red meat, which need to be avoided. Read … [Read more...]
Zinc Review and How It Can Promote Tissue and Healing Process
Zinc is one of the three minerals essential for normal body function. Its primary role is to control and regulate metabolic processes and enzyme activity. Zinc supports cell division while having a role in the synthesis of testosterone and insulin and increase immunity to infection, support muscle … [Read more...]
Aluminum in vaccines linked to Alzheimer’s and other neurological conditions
Aluminum is found in many products in our houses. It is being studied as a contributing factor to the Alzheimers Disease and Dementia. Many vaccines are riddled with aluminum as well which can be damaging to a young child. Aluminum is seen as a neurotoxin. We should take precautions when dealing … [Read more...]
Supplementing With Vitamin D Is Especially Important During Winter Months
Vitamin D can be naturally produced by the skin when it is exposed to direct sunlight. But in the winter months, when people spend more time indoors, it can be in short supply. Adverse consequences of vitamin D deficiency include mood problems and neurodevelopmental problems for the children of … [Read more...]
Diabetes, heart disease, and back pain dominate US health care spending
When it comes to domination within United States healthcare spending, diabetes, heart disease, and back pain are at the top of the list. Nearly just twenty conditions alone make up a little more than half of all of the spending when it comes to health care within the United States. The most … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Stay Safe When It’s Dangerously Cold
As winter approaches, many people will face injury from not being properly prepared for the cold. Tips include: walk taking small steps, with your hands out of your pockets, to avoid injuries from falls. Wear slip-resistant boots. Keep all parts of your body covered, not just your head. And pay … [Read more...]
Most doctors ignore one of the most potent ways to improve health
Recently in a new perspective that was published by the New England Journal of Medicine, some Penn Medicine behavioral economists suggest a five-step ladder that promotes health. This also tests the acceptability as well as the effectiveness of it in general. When it comes to improving a patients … [Read more...]
Preventing too much immunity
Recently there have been some scientists that have reported a new molecular mechanism that could be the explanation for the cause of some certain autoimmune diseases in general. Based on these findings by the Immunology Research Center at Osaka University in Japan, it is believed that the defective … [Read more...]
Strong muscles tied to lower risk of incontinence in older women
Incontinence is an unfortunate side-effect of aging. It can occur for many reasons, one of which is weakening of the pelvic floor muscles that support the bladder. That can lead to "stress incontinence", or release of urine in response to sneezing, coughing, or exercise. But a new study reports that … [Read more...]