CRP (C-reactive protein) is an acute phase protein which associates with inflammatory diseases and it is a convenient indicator of inflammation. A CRP test evaluates the amount of the particular protein known as C-reactive protein in the blood. The C-reactive protein is able to generally measure the … [Read more...]
Why Does the Body Need Protein?
Proteins, long chains of amino acids, are essential micronutrients that are part of every single living cell, tissue or organ in the body. Protein plays a major role in aiding digestion, the growth of muscles, balancing hormones naturally, building and repairing body tissues. Certain proteins are … [Read more...]
High protein foods that are not meat
Proteins are essential nutrients to the body. They rebuild body muscles, maintain energy and boost the immune system. However, since the body does not store protein, women should consume at least 46 grams and men 56 grams of proteins daily. Whether you are cutting back on meat, a vegetarian or you … [Read more...]
Amino Acids: An Essential Component of Muscle Recovery and Repair
When we exercise, there is a lot of wear and tear that takes place in our muscles as they grow larger. An important component needed for muscle recovery and repair are amino acids. The primary amino acids which are essential building blocks for muscle recovery and repair are branched-chain amino … [Read more...]
10 High Protein Foods You Should Be Eating
Many believe that protein’s only good point is to help build muscles. It also boosts your energy level, helps produce hormones and enzymes, stabilizes blood sugar, gives or maintains a sharp memory, and keeps your mood swings at bay. Protein makes you feel full and satisfied for a long time and can … [Read more...]
Why Do We Need Amino Acids?
The human body needs at least 20 amino acids for a variety of functions in the body. These functions include building and repairing muscle and tissue, forming antibodies that help fight bacteria and viruses, carrying oxygen throughout the body, building nucleoproteins, and facilitating muscle … [Read more...]
Boost energy levels naturally and safely with Methylcobalmin (Vitamin B12)
Methylcobalamin is the most active form of vitamin B12. It circulates in the body through the blood stream. It is one of the four cobalamin compounds that the body can metabolize. Methylcobalamin and Adenosylcobalamin are the two naturally occurring coenzymes forms of vitamin B12 that the body … [Read more...]
Discovering And Treating Dairy Sensitivity
What is a dairy sensitivity? Dairy sensitivity is not the same as an allergy from dairy, nor is it any kind of lactose intolerance. However, all of these have some common symptoms, which may lead to confusion. Lactose is a type of sugar, which is found in dairy products, and for a person to be … [Read more...]
Leucine Amino acid plays a key role in boosting of your energy
Facts About Leucine Amino Acid It is a well known fact that Amino acids are building block of protein and it plays an important role in health of any individual, but many people do not know that few amino acids can also improve the energy level of body and leucine is one of those amino acids. In … [Read more...]
Gluten Allergy and Its Remedies
Gluten and Foods High in it! Gluten is defined as a composite of protein found in food types obtained from certain processed grains. It is commonly found in all forms of wheat (durum, bulgur, spelt, semolina and ferro), rye, barley and triticale, which is a cross between wheat and rye. While … [Read more...]
What Is The Health Benefits Of Macadamia Oil?
Mасadаmia nut оil Mасadаmia nut оil is uѕed sрecіfically a соuрle оf differеnt wауѕ. One іs for coоkіng and оne іѕ fоr thе соsmеtiс іndustry. Thеrеfоrе, letѕ dіѕсuѕѕ both asрeсts and еxplоre exaсtly what еach differеnt арplісatіоn hаѕ to оffеr tо the соnѕumer. Lеts bеgіn with the coоkіng … [Read more...]
Can Horse Chestnuts Herb Help Circulation And Improve Vein Health?
Whey Protein Many health and fitness enthusiasts are being constantly asked “is whey protein the best protein out there?” The reason behind this is basically because protein is the best nutrient to take in whenever someone is body building or muscle toning. It aids very much … [Read more...]
What Are The Benefits Of Eating Raw Plant Protein?
What Are Free Form Amino Acids And What Do They Help In the Body?
Amino Acid Overview I remember about a decade ago and I was just a teen who wanted to improve his body in any way he could so of course the solution was to go to the gym and exercise. The first thing I heard was words like protein and amino acids. Well I guess it is all well and good because … [Read more...]
What Is The Difference Between Probiotics And Enzymes?
Overview Digestion is something that some people may think is a simple part of life but it is much to the contrary. It is a very complex process and in every sense of the word, essential to our health and bodily functions. You may ask how or why? What I would say to that is simple, without … [Read more...]
Why are Trace Minerals So Important in Maintaining Good Health?
Trace Minerals. What we refer to as nutrients are either vitamins or minerals found in our food. Minerals are elements, unlike vitamins, which are compounds. In nutrition, dietary minerals and dietary elements are often interchangeable, though the former is archaic. It is now widely accepted that … [Read more...]
Can Chromium Picolinate Help with Blood Sugar, Metabolism, And Sugar Cravings?
Chromium Picolinate, Blood Sugar, Metabolism, And Sugar Cravings Chromium picolinate is a dietary supplement initially formulated to treat chromium deficiency. In the past few years, it has been associated with the management of diabetes as elemental chromium is required in minute quantities for … [Read more...]
How Does the Amino Acid L-Tyrosine Affect Brain Chemistry, Mood, Energy, And More
L-Tyrosine and Mental, Physical Health L-tyrosine is one of the building blocks of proteins necessary for human life. It is an organic compound quite widespread in nature, for it is abundant in many food products that are readily available such as chicken, fish, milk, cheese, avocados, peanuts, and … [Read more...]