Vitamin C therapy delivers astounding results to septic shock patients Vitamin C has a ton of different benefits for people who actually use it religiously. From a young age people are always taught that Vitamin C is very good for you. The fact that people do not consume it more consistently is … [Read more...]
10 North American trees every survivalist should know
10 North American trees every survivalist should know Trees are on of the best survival tools in existence. They supply oxygen which enables people to keep breathing. They also offer use shelter and in some instances food. In addition, trees can be cut down so their wood can be used t build … [Read more...]
Garlic soup broth to combat colds, flu, and other health problems
When someone is sick, it is such a crappy feeling. Feeling down, or having a cold, makes everyone realize how lucky they are to be healthy all the time. Some people do not have that luxury as they consistently are struggling with some sort of disease. However, for the normal person, there are some … [Read more...]
Experts are saying, CBD is the Most Effective Medicine of All Time?
Experts are saying, “CBD is the Most Effective Medicine of All Time” There are a lot of experts who are coming out and saying that they are finding cool new medicines. It has been like that for what seems like an eternity. The business that comes with medicine and the people who run it … [Read more...]
Spirulina: The Plant-Based, Blue-Green Supplement Linked With Glowing Skin, Reduced …
Spirulina: The Plant-Based, Blue-Green Supplement Linked With Glowing Skin, Reduced ... If you want glowing skin, look no further than spirulina! You have probably heard about this new supplement through social media or through your active friends. They struggle to realize that a lot of this is … [Read more...]
5 Signs Your Inflammation Isn’t As Under Control As You Think
If you are not able to cut down the bloating, or the inflammation of your stomach or body, then you are actually problem carrying an issue. Whether it be your diet, or some other kind of deficiency in your body, this is not normal behavior. It is a moment where you need to be honest with yourself … [Read more...]
Colon Polyps Symptoms + 4 Natural Remedies
Colon Polyps Symptoms + 4 Natural Remedies If are suffering from some of these symptoms, then there are some natural remedies that can be really good for you. Though people do not believe in it at times, there are a ton of different things that can be done to deal with color polyps. The natural … [Read more...]
Oil of oregano kills pathogens safely and effectively
Oil of oregano kills pathogens safely and effectively Oregano is widely valued as being able to turn even the blandest dishes into a tasty meal. However, it has been discovered that the spice also has some health benefits as well. Oregano's oil can destroy pathogens safely and effectively. … [Read more...]
Turmeric is nutritional “gold” for your brain
Making sure that your brain is functioning at a high level should be a big concern for you. Your brain is what makes everything tick within your body and too many people are not concerned about making sure that it stays sharp. By training your brain, you are making yourself smarter and more prone to … [Read more...]
Health benefits of eating yams
Health benefits of eating yams Yams are a beneficial food that provide infection-fighting vitamin C and support strong bones and a healthy nervous system. According to Dr. Kasenene, a top nutritionist at the Wellcare Centre, yams are packed with a broad spectrum of B vitamins, which are excellent … [Read more...]
How is Vitamin-B12 Related to Anemia?
Vitamins should be an essential part of your diet on a daily basis. It is something that comes naturally to some people with their ability to have vitamins on an every day basis. They have it through the foods that they eat and as a result, they do not need supplements. Vitamin B12 is one that not … [Read more...]
Do your knees hurt? A scientific study shows black cumin seed oil reduces knee pain
According to a recent Turkish study, black cumin oil applied topically is more effective in treating knee pain than common prescription medications. An elderly population that applied black cumin oil to their knees three times a week for one month experienced a significantly larger decrease in the … [Read more...]
Candida overgrowth: Facts and tips to manage it
Candida overgrowth: Facts and tips to manage it Candida is naturally found in the body and is found in the digestive system. It is classified as a fungus and is beneficial to digestive tract and health. An over abundance however can lead to serious digestive issues, including the development of … [Read more...]
A medicinal plant used in Mexican folk remedy shows great potential as an alternative cancer treatment
A medicinal plant used in Mexican folk remedy shows great potential as an alternative cancer treatment Mexican researchers from Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico and the Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon have discovered that a compound found in the fruit of the yellow oleander has … [Read more...]
Eating oranges can prevent you from going blind
A fifteen year Australian study found that people who eat at least on serving of oranges per day are 60 percent less likely to develop macular degeneration, which can result in blindness. The lengthy study feature 2000 people, making it one of the world’s largest studies of this type. While oranges … [Read more...]
STOP with diet drinks: Experts warn even sugar-free sodas are linked to weight gain, dementia and strokes
STOP with diet drinks: Experts warn even sugar-free sodas are linked to weight gain, dementia and strokes Most people know that sugar is bad for you and that you should try to avoid having too much of it. It is bad for your health and when it is not burned, it gets stored as fat. When it gets … [Read more...]
The proven dangers of microwaves
The proven dangers of microwaves study about proven dangers of a microwaves, to be taken into consideration very seriously.there are times when using a microwave can be extremely dangerous,like warming a childs milk bottle its risky. the University of Minnesota can warn about the loss of … [Read more...]
The pretty peony shows promise in reversing the adverse effects of a high-fat diet
Peonies are flowers mostly known for their celebrating purposes, however, they may have more than one use. Research shows that peonies are a natural medicine that fight back for our bodies that are consuming a high-fat diet. Having a high-fat diet affects a person's microbiota in the intestines. The … [Read more...]
Listen to Your Eyes: 5 Signs You Might Have a Health Problem
Listen to Your Eyes: 5 Signs You Might Have a Health Problem This article utilizes the knowledge of the signs of aging through optical standpoints. The author shows how using five distinct symptoms of eye irritations can cause one to see the signs of their health through their own eyes. The eyes … [Read more...]
Antioxidant-rich walnuts cut your risk of Type 2 diabetes by HALF
Antioxidant-rich walnuts cut your risk of Type 2 diabetes by HALF In recent study done by the University of California Los Angeles, walnuts have the capability to cut the risk of Type 2 diabetes in half. All of the 3,400 people, that participated, had their daily intakes recorded and looked at. … [Read more...]
Chamomile tea is not just for promoting sleep; it has other health benefits as well
Although best known as a cure for insomnia, chamomile flowers have many other benefits. They are rich in antioxidant flavonoids and in other beneficial compounds, such as chamazulene. Chamomile is an excellent remedy for gastric distress of any kind, and can soothe excessive gas, acid reflux and … [Read more...]
Are Lectins Really Bad for You? Everything You Need to Know About Protein and Inflammation
Are Lectins Really Bad for You? Everything You Need to Know About Protein and Inflammation Protein is essential to keep muscles from breaking down. Muscles that are not properly tended to are ones that take a really long time to build up. If you are not readily taking good care of your body, you … [Read more...]
Pomegranate extracts found to fight cancer at EVERY turn
Pomegranate extracts found to fight cancer at EVERY turn It is often said that foods with naturally vibrant colors are the most healthy. People often think of dark leafy greens as rich in nutrients, but overlook the deep red pomegranate for its health benefits. Pomegranates in particular are … [Read more...]
Honey: Its benefits for health and skin
Most people are aware that honey is exceptionally good for your health with particular benefits for your skin. For example, it can remove acne scars and prevent more acne is used consistently. However, it has so many other health benefits as well. Honey can lower a person's cholesterol level if … [Read more...]
Cannabis 101: A guide to CBD oil; what it is; how it works; who can use it
Cannabis 101: A guide to CBD oil; what it is; how it works; who can use it CBD Oil is one of nature's pain relievers, but its benefits extend far greater than putting pain in its place. Legal across the country, people 18+ can legally purchase and use the oil to better treat many ailments … [Read more...]
Camu Camu: What you need to know about the most potent food source of vitamin C on the planet
Camu Camu is an Amazonian berry that is an even better source of vitamin C than citrus fruits — or any other food, for that matter. Camu Camu may provide up to 7.5 percent of its weight in vitamin C, and research suggests it has other benefits as well, including helping to fight obesity and the … [Read more...]
B Vitamins: Your Secret to Good Skin Health
B Vitamins: Your Secret to Good Skin Health If you want good, and healthy, skin then you must clean yourself daily! That is how most people with great skin maintain some a clean look. They wash themselves regularly and are able to get rid of all the dirty pores that are present within their skin. … [Read more...]
7 Drinks to Boost Your Immune System
There are many different ways in which you can ward off sickness. First and foremost, you need to understand that your immune system is what actually fights off your immune system. It is something that everyone needs to make sure stays intact as it is the system that will ward off any bacteria or … [Read more...]
Vitamin B supplements protect kidney function in early diabetics
People struggle to understand the importance of a kidney. They are things that not many people know what their purpose is or what the function is for the human body. In that, people do not really know if they need their actual kidney because people always feel like they hear of someone donating a … [Read more...]
What you eat can prevent, manage, or treat cancer and diabetes
What you eat can prevent, manage, or treat cancer and diabetes An individual's diet can effect the microorganisms living in their gastrointestinal tract. This can have a drastic effect on their health. A study looked at how different diets effected the gut microbiota. The study indicated that … [Read more...]
Vitamin B: Top 6 Benefits of B Vitamins & How to Get More in Your Diet
Vitamin B: Top 6 Benefits of B Vitamins & How to Get More in Your Diet There are some things that people need but they do not realize what they actually have to do to get it. With things like vitamins, it can be easy to look over the importance of them and what they can do for people of all … [Read more...]
Zinc is cancer’s worst enemy: This mineral is key to preventing cancer, scientists conclude
There are plenty of things out there that have been deemed to be helpful in fighting cancer. Some people believe it more than others while some feel as if it is not relevant at all. However, there are plenty of people who think that certain techniques are really good for someone to use to help them … [Read more...]
Experimental study finds the velvet bean to be a promising natural treatment for depression
Experimental study finds the velvet bean to be a promising natural treatment for depression Depression often coincides with Parkinson’s disease, and can make the latter worse by accelerating the loss of motor and cognitive skills. The velvet bean, a climbing legume from Asia, may have important … [Read more...]
Incidence of childhood cancers skyrocket: Is modern life destroying the health of our children?
Incidence of childhood cancers skyrocket: Is modern life destroying the health of our children? In today's society, people are finding that modern life might be having a negative affect on the health of the children. After all, the world has been dealing with more cases of pollution and other … [Read more...]
How To Eat Chia Seeds For Weight Loss: Incredible Benefits And Yummy Recipes!
How To Eat Chia Seeds For Weight Loss: Incredible Benefits And Yummy Recipes! There are many people that are trying to lose weight on a daily basis. With that being said, some people find it easier than others as some are just genetically more blessed than others. Some people do not have to work … [Read more...]
Vegan Protein Powder: 4 Best Plant Proteins & How to Use Them
Vegan Protein Powder: 4 Best Plant Proteins & How to Use Them Protein powder is made in many different ways. Even if you are vegan, there are protein powders that are all natural. Protein powders are generally made from plant-based sources or animal sources. Being vegan there are options like … [Read more...]
Mushroom, the superfood to add to your diet
Mushroom, the superfood to add to your diet Mushrooms are now being called the new super food. They are loaded with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Two of the antioxidants found in mushrooms include Ergothioneine and Glutathione. These antioxidants can lower your risk of Parkinson's … [Read more...]
The “silk worm” enzyme works better at treating pain than steroids
Steroids have been the go to for many people who have been suffering from pain. Most of the time, it is men that take steroids. What is interesting is that the men who take steroids are not only suffering from physical pain. Many of them have some internal pain, or emotions, that they keep … [Read more...]
5 reasons why you should include mint leaves in your diet
5 reasons why you should include mint leaves in your diet In your diet, it is important to get blend of all different kind of things. Things such as mint leaves are very healthy for you because of how they help your stomach digest certain things. Your stomach uses mint leaves in a way to help … [Read more...]
How Plant Based Diet Helps Those Living With Lupus
How Plant Based Diet Helps Those Living With Lupus Many people who are living with lupus struggle to find a diet that fits their needs at a consistent level. The types of things that they are recommended to eat are not always the most tasty and they have trouble trying to find something that they … [Read more...]
7 Supplements to Add to Your Hair Care Routine
7 Supplements to Add to Your Hair Care Routine Beautiful hair starts with healthy hair, but to maintain sleek, stylish, soft locks you'll need to make sure you're getting the right nutrients. Your body depends on foods to provide it with many nutrients and without them, your hair is one of the … [Read more...]
8 evidence-based health benefits of Kombucha Tea
8 evidence-based health benefits of Kombucha Tea Kombucha tea is made with specific strains of bacteria. Sugar and yeast are added to green or black tea, then it ferments for at least a week. During the fermentation, the yeast and bacteria form a film over the top. This is why this tea is referred … [Read more...]
Research finds that supplementing with B vitamins can help treat bipolar disorder
Research finds that supplementing with B vitamins can help treat bipolar disorder Choline, a member of th B Vitamin family that your body uses to produce acetylcholine, may have remarkable potential as a safe and effective treatment option for people suffering from Bipolar disorder. Recent studies … [Read more...]
Mushrooms found to be a potent source of key antioxidants
Mushrooms found to be a potent source of key antioxidants Not many people actually like the taste of mushrooms. They have a weird sort of texture to them and that is where a lot of people have trouble taking a liking with them. Mushrooms may not be for everybody but they are known to have more … [Read more...]
Add black cumin to your diet: Research shows it can prevent cancer
Add black cumin to your diet: Research shows it can prevent cancer According to a recent Egyptian study, black cumin could decrease the overall risk of cancer and suppress tumor progression in mice. Previous studies have also shown that thymoquinone, a compound found in black cumin seeds, inhibits … [Read more...]
Oleic Acid: Top 9 Uses & Benefits of This Healthy Fat
Oleic Acid: Top 9 Uses & Benefits of This Healthy Fat Like many things, people have some major conclusions about the word "acid" and the negative connotation that it may carry. People feel that it is automatically dangerous because of things they have heard in the past about acid. However, … [Read more...]
7 Multivitamin Benefits, Plus the Best Multivitamins for Men & Women
7 Multivitamin Benefits, Plus the Best Multivitamins for Men & Women Multivitamins are beneficial for all men and women. Regardless of how old or young you are, vitamins are helpful for you because they give the body the nutrients that it needs. Some people believe in them while some people do … [Read more...]
Could This Mysterious Blend Of Wild Herbs Fight Cancer?
Could This Mysterious Blend Of Wild Herbs Fight Cancer? In the 1920s, a Canadian nurse named Rene Caisse developed a recipe (possibly inspired by the Ojibwa Nation’s traditions) containing slippery elm bark, sheep sorrel leaves, and the roots of burdock and Indian Rhubarb. This recipe, called … [Read more...]
Magnesium is required for the healthy function of most cells in your body, especially your heart, kidneys and muscles
Magnesium is required for the healthy function of most cells in your body, especially your heart, kidneys and muscles Magnesium is one of those things that your body needs but you have never really heard of. It is so crucial within the element table and for scientists but magnesium is something … [Read more...]
3 Kinds Of Nuts You Should Include In Your Daily Diet
3 Kinds Of Nuts You Should Include In Your Daily Diet Everyone always assumes that nuts are something that should be in every healthy diet. They do not really have any strong taste nor do they really feel as if they are that feeling. As a result, people tend to believe that they are actually … [Read more...]
This is what can happen to cancer, inflammation and liver health when you eat olives every day
This is what can happen to cancer, inflammation and liver health when you eat olives every day Many people do not realize the health benefits that come from eating olives. Olives are usually something that some people either love or they absolutely hate. It is rare to find someone that is in … [Read more...]
Artichokes show remarkable cholesterol-reducing properties
Artichokes show remarkable cholesterol-reducing properties Hypercholesterolemia, or high cholesterol, is a serious problem as high levels of cholesterol in the blood can lead to arterial plaques and eventually stroke or heart attack. A study that can be found in the Australian Journal of Basic … [Read more...]
Roundup Chemical in Your Cereal: What to Know
Roundup Chemical in Your Cereal: What to Know When eating cereal, one usually does not think of all the possible things that are put together to make your cereal. The bottom line is that there are usually a ton of different things out there that are healthier to eat than cereal. There are many … [Read more...]
New Study: Soy Protein Supports Significant Weight Loss
New Study: Soy Protein Supports Significant Weight Loss Among health food pundits, soy has been a bean bag for some time now, being tossed first in the positive column then in the negative. Just now, it feels like soy is getting the hairy eye-brow from pundits and staying largely in the negative … [Read more...]
Hyaluronic Acid: The Miracle Anti-Aging Compound With Full-Body Benefits
There are now some anti aging creams and compounds that, not only keep you looking young, but they can make you feel it as well! The full body benefits that come with these compounds are not seen with any other in the world. The problem is that when people hear the words "hyaluronic acid" … [Read more...]
Dairy alternatives: The good, the bad, and the ugly
Dairy alternatives: The good, the bad, and the ugly Very often those inching their way along to a healthier dietary regimen start with downgrading their dairy consumption, or at the very least finding healthier alternatives for the moo juice. This makes sense as very few edibles have such an … [Read more...]
How An Anti-Inflammatory Diet Helped Me Reverse Chronic Health Conditions
How An Anti-Inflammatory Diet Helped Me Reverse Chronic Health Conditions Diet control is very important. if you follow a proper diet pattern you remain healthy.its a holistic way to natuarlly support your body about any chronic ilness you may experience.since i satarted this diet pattern its no. … [Read more...]
Yeast Powered Radiation Detectors to Keep Clinicians Safe
Yeast Powered Radiation Detectors to Keep Clinicians Safe Since ions put out by CT scanners, fluoroscopes and radiotherapy machines immediately affects living yeast cells in an easily measurable way, yeast radiation badges may be replacing radiation dosimeters that many medical professionals must … [Read more...]
Irrefutable evidence proves that honey and bee pollen improve menopausal symptoms in breast cancer patients
New research suggests that both honey and bee pollen extracts can reduce the traumatic menopause-like side effects caused by breast cancer drugs like tamoxifen and Arimidex. These symptoms can include severe hot flashes, hormonal chaos, extreme tiredness and other effects so severe that … [Read more...]
Epstein Barr Virus (+ 5 Ways to Boost Your Immune System)
Epstein Barr Virus (+ 5 Ways to Boost Your Immune System) Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) is a widespread virus that can cause symptoms ranging from fatigue, weakness, skin rashes, swollen glands and others. It can also lie dormant in its host without causing any symptoms for long periods of time. … [Read more...]
Stomach Pain Causes + 6 Natural Remedies to Treat Abdominal Pain
Stomach Pain Causes + 6 Natural Remedies to Treat Abdominal Pain Stomach pain can include a number of different types of pain caused by a multitude of different things happening inside your body. Gas and bloating pains, strained muscles and pain caused by acid and indigestion are among the most … [Read more...]
Salt Therapy: How It Benefits Breathing, Plus the Skin & Immune System
Salt Therapy: How It Benefits Breathing, Plus the Skin & Immune System Dry salt therapy is slowly becoming more and more popular once people learn about how beneficial it can be to your overall mental and physical health. Engaging in dry salt therapy can be done in many ways. Two of the most … [Read more...]
Garlic is a safe, delicious, and inexpensive way to improve your health
Garlic is a safe, delicious, and inexpensive way to improve your health Many of us love garlic for its aromatic and culinary qualities. However the pungent edible has been used by mankind for centuries with many benefits and for many reasons that go way beyond spicing up a dish of food. Garlic … [Read more...]
Aluminum is far from harmless â here’s how to reduce your exposure
Aluminum is far from harmless – here's how to reduce your exposure Aluminum is so endemic that many people never stop to consider what health impact constant exposure to it might have. As much as 80 percent of the population my have too much aluminum in their bodies, according to some studies. … [Read more...]
23 Protein Shake Recipes to Make You Lean & Strong
23 Protein Shake Recipes to Make You Lean & Strong these days protein shakes are in good demand.after a good workout in the gym one needs to have essential proteins in the form of milk shakes for muscle building.protein shakes call for various types of powders in different flavours to fit the … [Read more...]
Top 7 Colloidal Oatmeal Benefits for Skin
Top 7 Colloidal Oatmeal Benefits for Skin Oatmeal is a wonder food - and it's good not just for the inside of you, but the outside as well. You can buy colloidal oatmeal at your store, or make some at home(just grind up your unbaked oatmeal into a powder). Colloidal oatmeal has been proven to be … [Read more...]
11 Incredible Benefits Of Mangoes
11 Incredible Benefits Of Mangoes The exotic and fleshy fruit of the delectable mango hails from the tropical regions of Thailand, the Philippines, India and China. While specific fruit size can range from tiny to over two pounds, the edible is a giant in its nutrient and health-promoting … [Read more...]
The Way Cannabis Helps Inflammation Is Pretty Amazing
The Way Cannabis Helps Inflammation Is Pretty Amazing Cannabis is showing itself to be an option for inflammation relief, which can manifest in many different ways(such as backaches, headaches, joint pain and bowel irritations). Cannabis can make it possible for people to achieve their goals when … [Read more...]
Top 14 Foods that Lower Cholesterol
Top 14 Foods that Lower Cholesterol Lowering cholesterol naturally is about balance and moderation rather than strict abstinence from all fatty foods. Eating a wide variety of tasty, nutrient rich foods that inhibit inflammation is the best way to tackle cholesterol problems. The standard Western … [Read more...]
The best vitamin to help stop tumor cells in their tracks
The best vitamin to help stop tumor cells in their tracks This year’s Health Nut News Game Changer Award goes to Carole Baggerly for her role in promoting the importance of Vitamin D. One of Carole’s most important insights is the need to conduct scientific trials into the impact of Vitamin D by … [Read more...]
Instead of paying farmers subsidies to grow unprofitable crops, wouldn’t it make more sense to legalize hemp agriculture and unleash billions in profit potential?
Instead of paying farmers subsidies to grow unprofitable crops, wouldn't it make more sense to legalize hemp agriculture and unleash billions in profit potential? As he Trump Administration contemplates 12 billion dollars in agricultural subsidies to farmers, it might be a better idea to legalize … [Read more...]
Thiamine Deficiency Symptoms & Dangers You Donâ??t Want to Ignore
Thiamine Deficiency Symptoms & Dangers You Don’t Want to Ignore Thiamine, also known as Vitamin B1, is crucial to turning food into cellular energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Thiamine deficiency, which is sometimes called beriberi, can cause fatigue, weakness, a variety of muscle … [Read more...]
The 3 worst artificial sweeteners (and 4 of the best)
The 3 worst artificial sweeteners (and 4 of the best) Artificial sweeteners like Equal, Sweet ‘N’ Low, Nutrasweet, Splenda, saccharin, xylitol and their ilk can actually be even worse for your health than “ordinary” sugar. These sweeteners are found in everything from processed food and drink to … [Read more...]
6 Warning Signs Your Body Isnâ??t Getting Enough Magnesium
6 Warning Signs Your Body Isn’t Getting Enough Magnesium Over half of American citizens do not get the recommended amount of magnesium in their diet each day. This is quite a serious statistic considering how much damage a magnesium deficiency can do. Not having sufficient amounts of … [Read more...]
Senna Tea: Healthy Natural Laxative or Gut Irritant?
Senna Tea: Healthy Natural Laxative or Gut Irritant? Senna is a member of the Cassia family of plants. It produces fruit and pods, which have been used for their laxative qualities for centuries. A laxative is a substance, natural, or chemical, with the ability to relieve human constipation, or … [Read more...]
Under Republican majority, U.S. Senate votes to LEGALIZE hemp farming across the nation
Under Republican majority, U.S. Senate votes to LEGALIZE hemp farming across the nation The Republican-controlled US Senate has just voted to end the prohibition on cultivation of hemp. This comes at a time when the federal government is actively investigating the possibility of legalizing … [Read more...]
New study: Chinese folk medicine displays remarkable anti-arthritis activity
New study: Chinese folk medicine displays remarkable anti-arthritis activity Two different natural methods of arthritic treatment called Diu Le Bang and Claoxylon indicum are showing to have much promise when it comes to working as both pain relievers and anti-inflammatory treatments. Diu Le Bang … [Read more...]
Why you should avoid aspartame at all costs
Why you should avoid aspartame at all costs Aspartame has been credibly linked to a variety of health problems, including the ones it is supposedly meant to help avoid like diabetes and obesity. Aspartame can confuse your body symptoms and increase your appetite. It may also increase the risk of … [Read more...]
Supplements for IBS and IBD: 10 natural remedies to put out the fire in your gut
Supplements for IBS and IBD: 10 natural remedies to put out the fire in your gut An irritable bowel can interfere with the day, adding difficulty to seemingly ordinary tasks. Millions of men and women are bothered by the syndrome and sometimes, Irritable Bowel Disease. If you are one of those … [Read more...]
11 Largest Nutrition Lies in the Media
11 Largest Nutrition Lies in the Media Corporate sponsorship of the news media can often result in inaccurate information being disseminated to the public. For example, blanket condemnation of all saturated fats ignores the benefits of some healthy fats, like coconut oil and ghee. The press hyped … [Read more...]
Beloved by the Japanese, horseradish could hold the key to the cure for cancer
Beloved by the Japanese, horseradish could hold the key to the cure for cancer University of Illinois researchers have found that the glucosinolates found in horseradish have potent anti cancer and antioxidant properties. Glucosinolates can inhibit tumor growth, and may also help to regulate the … [Read more...]
It’s Not Arthritis: Paget’s Disease (+ 5 Ways to Manage Symptoms of This Bone Disease)
It’s Not Arthritis: Paget’s Disease (+ 5 Ways to Manage Symptoms of This Bone Disease) Although Paget’s Disease of Bone may have similar symptoms to arthritis, they are two separate diseases with different causes. Paget’s Disease results from a defect in how the body replaces old bone tissue with … [Read more...]
Here’s how fluoride destroys your health in obvious, and not so obvious, ways
Here's how fluoride destroys your health in obvious, and not so obvious, ways Fluoridated water, once regarded as a boon, has been a normal part of life for decades, for many individuals. Unfortunately, data is accumulating that suggests that the continuous consumption of fluoridated water causes … [Read more...]
Food for thought: Brown rice reduces cognitive dysfunction linked to Alzheimer’s
Food for thought: Brown rice reduces cognitive dysfunction linked to Alzheimer's Medical researchers are well-aware that O. sativa has the ability to act as a preventative measure against Alzheimer's, but since this component is hard for our bodies to absorb, they have been steadily trying to find … [Read more...]
Products of omega-3 fatty acid metabolism may have anticancer effects, study shows
Products of omega-3 fatty acid metabolism may have anticancer effects, study shows When the body digests Omega 3 fatty acids, it produces endocannabinoid compounds that are related to compounds found in marijuana, but which lack a psychoactive effect. Endocannabinoid molecules bind to the … [Read more...]
What you need to know about using herbal remedies to treat anxiety disorders
What you need to know about using herbal remedies to treat anxiety disorders American citizens are more likely to face psychological disorders than any other country across the globe. Many patients are starting to adapt to more natural methods to control their increased anxiety symptoms as opposed … [Read more...]
9 Spices Which Can Help In Treating Frequent Gas And Flatulence
9 Spices Which Can Help In Treating Frequent Gas And Flatulence Any condition that causes constipation and diarrhea can increase the frequency of flatulence, bloating and pain associated with gas. The average adult farts around 13 to 21 times every day. Exercise and the practice of avoiding some … [Read more...]
Why pecans should be your go-to snack when you’re hungry
Why pecans should be your go-to snack when you're hungry There's a few compelling reasons why pecans make an ideal healthy snack. Pecans pack an impressive amount of antioxidants, even more so than almonds and walnuts, which include several vitamins and minerals such as vitamins A and E, calcium, … [Read more...]
Almost 1 out of 2 people are not taking enough zinc: Here are 10 reasons why you should start supplementing today
Almost 1 out of 2 people are not taking enough zinc: Here are 10 reasons why you should start supplementing today Over 20% of adults do not get the recommended amount of Zinc in their natural diet as they should each day. Adults over the age of 14 should be receiving around 8 mg to 11 mg each day … [Read more...]
6 Common Signs That Your Body Is In Ketosis (Good And Bad)
6 Common Signs That Your Body Is In Ketosis (Good And Bad) The Keto Diet is all the rage right now, but being in ketosis isn't always a good thing for your body. Recognizing the common signs of ketosis is imperative in protecting your body from dangerous consequences. If you find yourself … [Read more...]
The therapeutic heart benefits of long-term administration of Nigella sativa (black cumin seed)
The therapeutic heart benefits of long-term administration of Nigella sativa (black cumin seed) A study was done involving 15 different rats that were divided into control groups, exercise groups, and Nigella sativa (fennel) groups. Exercise was shown to have the most positive impact when it came … [Read more...]
Leucine: The Muscle-Building Amino Acid Your Body Needs
Leucine: The Muscle-Building Amino Acid Your Body Needs Leucine, a branched-chain amino acid, which means that structurally speaking it's made up of several different amino groups, is not an amino acid that the human body can produce. Unlike many elements ingested by the human body, leucine is … [Read more...]
Compound found in green tea dissolves dangerous plaque found in blood vessels
Compound found in green tea dissolves dangerous plaque found in blood vessels Recent research by the University of Leeds and Lancaster University suggests that green tea contains a compound called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) that has an amazing ability to help break up protein plaques in the … [Read more...]
4 benefits your body gets from eating chocolate
4 benefits your body gets from eating chocolate People often consider eating chocolate as a taboo activity, but in actuality, regular consumption of it can be healthy for your body. It has several compounds with health compounds that are contained in other food widely considered healthy like … [Read more...]
The brain-boosting effects of pomegranates, even after a stroke
The brain-boosting effects of pomegranates, even after a stroke Polyphenols are what help protect various plants from the harmful impact of UV rays while sitting in the song. Researchers are finding that this ingredient is also highly responsible for healing the body after experiencing a stroke. … [Read more...]
Detox Diet Plan: How to Detoxify the Body & Reset Your Health
Detox Diet Plan: How to Detoxify the Body & Reset Your Health A modern lifestyle ensures that most of us are exposed to an array of toxins in our food, water and air everyday. Fortunately, expensive gadgets and ingredients and complicated techniques are not essential to remove these invaders from … [Read more...]
White Pepper Benefits vs. Black Pepper Benefits: Same or Different?
White Pepper Benefits vs. Black Pepper Benefits: Same or Different? Black Pepper, the “King of Spices,” also has a white variant produced when skins are removed from nearly ripe peppercorns. These white peppercorns are rich in a wide variety of vitamins and minerals, as well as micronutrients like … [Read more...]
Hailed by traditional Chinese healers as an “immortal health elixir,” kombucha is one of the best beverages for health
Hailed by traditional Chinese healers as an "immortal health elixir," kombucha is one of the best beverages for health Kombucha, the superfood beverage of fermented tea, contains a wide variety of helpful bioactive compounds, including potent antioxidants like catechins, which can also inhibit the … [Read more...]
5 sources of fibre you should be eating right now
5 sources of fibre you should be eating right now With only 13% of American women and a flabbergasting 4% of American men getting more than the recommended daily consumption of it, dietary fiber may just be America’s most undervalued and underutilized nutrient. Protein, fat, sugar and carbs of … [Read more...]
12 Flu Natural Remedies
12 Flu Natural Remedies There are many indications that you might be battling the flu. A high fever, cough, leaky nose, an achy body, tiredness, diarrhea, and throwing up are all classic flu symptoms. So how do you combat the flu naturally? You can ingest plenty of vitamin C and vitamin d3. Taking … [Read more...]
tBHQ, the Food Ingredient that May Cause Cancer?
tBHQ, the Food Ingredient that May Cause Cancer? tBHQ is a water-soluble tan, crystalline powder, used as an ingredient in cosmetics and in some ant and roach insecticides. It's also an ingredient found in many human foods. But, is that bad? Depends upon whom you ask. The FDA and USDA say the … [Read more...]
Star Fruit: The Vitamin C Powerhouse that Supports Immunity & Digestion
Star Fruit: The Vitamin C Powerhouse that Supports Immunity & Digestion We often hear a lot of talk about Vitamin C, but what most people don't know is that starfruit is a powerhouse of this vitamin. It's native to Vietnam, Nepal, Malaysia, the Philippines, India, and Indonesia, and color ranges … [Read more...]
Bacteria in the gut may lead to anxiety, depression
Bacteria in the gut may lead to anxiety, depression Did you know that when obese people or those with type 2 diabetes have too much bacteria in their gut it can lead to depression and anxiety? The good news is that those symptoms get much better when the sufferer is given a proper antibiotic. This … [Read more...]
Have a large waistline? You most likely have a vitamin D deficiency, according to this study
Have a large waistline? You most likely have a vitamin D deficiency, according to this study Having an excess amount of abdominal fat has been shown to contribute to various health issues that pose a risk to one's life expectancy. Two universities located in the Netherlands studied a group of … [Read more...]
Survival medicine: Are you familiar with the medicinal uses of honey?
Survival medicine: Are you familiar with the medicinal uses of honey? Did you know that honey has several neutralizing properties that can fight off various threats within your system? Most forms of bacteria cannot physically thrive within honey, so it serves as a natural protector against foreign … [Read more...]
Are you familiar with these 20 herbs that can be used as medicine?
Are you familiar with these 20 herbs that can be used as medicine? It has been a long-known fact that natural herbal remedies can help treat various conditions in order to alleviate many uncomfortable symptoms, but do you know which herbs these are? Echinacea is an herb that is often used to help … [Read more...]
How maca can make your day much better
How maca can make your day much better Maca is an Andean root vegetable that may be one of the most nutritionally dense foods in the world, with high amounts of protein, vitamins C and B6, copper, iron, potassium, manganese, 20 amino acids and antioxidants. A Maca superfood powder like Health … [Read more...]
These foods KILL cancer cells better than chemotherapy
These foods KILL cancer cells better than chemotherapy Although chemotherapy has high success rates, it does not come without some incredibly troublesome symptoms that can be downright dangerous. There are many foods available that can aid in the eradication of cancer stem cells, or even just … [Read more...]
Does Garcinia cambogia really help obese people lose weight?
Does Garcinia cambogia really help obese people lose weight? Researchers at the University of Cordoba have found promising results by supplementing the diets of over 200 obese people with Garciniancamnogia and glucomanan for six months. Before and after this period of supplementation, they took … [Read more...]
Preventing heart disease is not just about reducing your salt intake, but increasing your dietary potassium as well
Preventing heart disease is not just about reducing your salt intake, but increasing your dietary potassium as well Many people underestimate how much sodium and potassium play a part in ensuring that your heart can function effectively without overworking itself. Bananas are the go-to food for … [Read more...]
A low-fiber diet can decrease healthy gut bacteria by 60%
A low-fiber diet can decrease healthy gut bacteria by 60% New study stresses the importance of a high-fiber diet in keeping the gut healthy, by maintaining a microbial environment conducive to healthy biologic processes. Rodents were given an identical amount of microbes and then subjected to … [Read more...]
Eggshell membrane found to be beneficial to joints by nourishing cartilage
Eggshell membrane found to be beneficial to joints by nourishing cartilage Stratum Nutrition has launched a joint supplement, featuring a composition element found in eggshell membranes. The supplement is meant to deter the deterioration of collagen, a protein found in human joints, as well as aid … [Read more...]
Do you get enough omega-6 fatty acids? Research finds they protect against premature death, cardiovascular disease
Do you get enough omega-6 fatty acids? Research finds they protect against premature death, cardiovascular disease Linoleic acid is one of the omega-6 fatty acids. Finnish researchers have made use of the data culled for a study regarding ischemic heart disease to discover some interesting points. … [Read more...]
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (+ 7 Natural Ways to Help Relieve IBD Symptoms)
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (+ 7 Natural Ways to Help Relieve IBD Symptoms) Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s, also known collectively as Inflammatory Bowel Disease, are the result of an autoimmune reaction in which the body’s own defenses wreak heavy collateral damage upon the GI tract. IBD inflicts … [Read more...]
The 7 Best Teas For Fighting Inflammation
The 7 Best Teas For Fighting Inflammation There are a variety of teas that can help reduce the chronic inflammation that is a core element of many chronic diseases. Regular old black and green tea are both rich in different combinations of flavonoids, a diverse family of compounds that have … [Read more...]
10 Best Essential Oils For Arthritis And Muscle Pain
10 Best Essential Oils For Arthritis And Muscle Pain Muscle pain can put a damper on the day and so many people know firsthand how troubling arthritis can be to their well-being. Luckily, there are a few all-natural treatment options that can help alleviate these aches and pains so you can get … [Read more...]
Here’s why you should avoid a high-carb diet if you have cancer
Here's why you should avoid a high-carb diet if you have cancer Recent studies of hundreds of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC) patients indicate that those who continue to eat diets high in total carbohydrates in the year following being diagnosed with cancers in the HNSCC family are … [Read more...]
Six healing nutrients to take at the first signs of the flu
Six healing nutrients to take at the first signs of the flu The flu is not a condition that you want to experience but after recent news from the CDC, if you are not protecting yourself there is a good chance you'll be the next victim. If you want to ward off the risks of catching the flu, it is … [Read more...]
CBD helps relieve anxiety without the high
CBD helps relieve anxiety without the high CBD is a breakthrough natural remedy that treats a variety of aches, pains, and other elements. Although derived from the marijuana plant, CBD does not contain any THC, which is the chemical in weed that gives users the high feeling. CBD is being used by … [Read more...]
5 Of The Worldâ??s Healthiest Spices You Should Be Eating
5 Of The World’s Healthiest Spices You Should Be Eating Many forms of traditional medicine laud the power of culinary spices, and with good cause. Science has taken the trouble to fact-check whether these items one can buy right of the grocery store do in fact help the body and the good news is … [Read more...]
Maca Root & your Libido, Testosterone, Fertility and More
Maca Root & your Libido, Testosterone, Fertility and More Maca Root is a Peruvian cruciferous plant (related to broccoli or cauliflower, oddly enough) that has been consumed for many years as both a nutrient-rich superfood and as an aphrodisiac. Unlike many self-proclaimed aphrodisiac, Maca … [Read more...]
Top 15 Anti-Inflammatory Foods + Anti-Inflammatory Diet
Top 15 Anti-Inflammatory Foods + Anti-Inflammatory Diet Most of the major chronic diseases afflicting American society have arbitrary least some connection to out-of-control inflammation that targets and damages healthy organs and tissues. The Standard American Diet tends to contain a lot of … [Read more...]
4 Natural Ways To Recalcify And Re-Enamel Teeth
4 Natural Ways To Recalcify And Re-Enamel Teeth Interestingly many dentists concur that a lack of calcification stems far more likely from a lack in the tooth-owner's diet than in the hygiene routine. This is important news for tooth owners. Minerals that keep the teeth enameled include calcium … [Read more...]
Inflammatory disease can cause your brain to change, making you more vulnerable to other illnesses
Inflammatory disease can cause your brain to change, making you more vulnerable to other illnesses A team of researchers from three institutions set out to investigate whether inflammatory diseases can affect the brain in the long term in order to understand how to study neurological disorders … [Read more...]
Is Cannabis an Effective Treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis?
Is Cannabis an Effective Treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis? Rheumatoid arthritis occurs when there is inflammation at the joints and this is due to the fact that the immune system has become dysfunctional and thus attacks the body parts leading to inflammation, swelling, pain or damage to … [Read more...]
7 Signs Your Body Is Crying Out For Selenium
7 Signs Your Body Is Crying Out For Selenium Selenium is a mineral that your body needs in very small amounts, but that amount is critical to overall health. While too much of it can be toxic to your body, not enough is also unhealthy. Though it's just a trace element that your body needs, it … [Read more...]
Fight Inflammation with This Turmeric and Lemon Morning Elixir
Fight Inflammation with This Turmeric and Lemon Morning Elixir Combining lemon and turmeric in your morning water can be a healthy way to start the day. The lemon in this drink has many healthy qualities, such as acting as an antioxidant and even helping control weight gain. When turmeric is added … [Read more...]
13 Ways To Use Charcoal For Better Hair, Skin, Cleaning And More
13 Ways To Use Charcoal For Better Hair, Skin, Cleaning And More Charcoal, that is purified, food-grade, medically usable and oxygenated during processing, charcoal, which is very different from what is used to grill franks, is actually great at attracting, trapping and removing toxins from the … [Read more...]
Antidepressant Withdrawal Symptoms â?? Worse Than You Think
Antidepressant Withdrawal Symptoms — Worse Than You Think Antidepressant use has been on the rise for a while, and while some have experienced an improvement in symptoms, there are concerns. These drugs are mind-altering. In fact, they were created on the premise that a chemical imbalance was at … [Read more...]
Lack Of Vitamin D Linked To Belly Fat: Here’s What You Can Eat To Prevent Deficiency
Lack Of Vitamin D Linked To Belly Fat: Here's What You Can Eat To Prevent Deficiency A vitamin D deficiency is linked to many diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, and autoimmune diseases. And around 40% of Americans lack enough of it. But it can also be linked to obesity. A large amount of belly … [Read more...]
7 Steps to Balance Hormones Naturally
7 Steps to Balance Hormones Naturally The human body's endocrine system contains a wide variety of glands producing hormones -- chemical messengers that control some element of the body. Many disorders can cause a hormone imbalance, but the common first line treatment, hormone supplementation, has … [Read more...]
What Is Soy Lecithin? 8 Potential Major Benefits
What Is Soy Lecithin? 8 Potential Major Benefits Soy Lecithin is a food additive but before panic sets in, this is one of the good guys. You should read food labels and choose products that contain this additive over the others. Foods that contain Soy Lecithin are those that are good for your … [Read more...]
Health benefits of ginger
Health benefits of ginger Ginger and garlic are two of the most nutrient-packed superfoods that you can eat in order to improve your health. A hormone called thromboxane is a hormone that is largely responsible for producing stimulation that results in blood clotting. Ginger decreases the rate in … [Read more...]
Researchers find that hemp can be used to treat ovarian cancer
Researchers find that hemp can be used to treat ovarian cancer Hemp contains two components referred to as cannabinol, tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol. These three attributes are non-addictive, and they also have not been reported to cause the same psychoactive impacts that THC-induced forms … [Read more...]
4 Essential oils that are more powerful than antibiotics
4 Essential oils that are more powerful than antibiotics In modern medicine, physicians are typically quick to prescribe powerful antibiotics in order to treat bacterial infections. Unfortunately, taking too many of these antibiotics can cause deadly resistances that can cause superbugs to thrive … [Read more...]
Yucca Root Benefits Immunity, Skin, Joints & More
Yucca Root Benefits Immunity, Skin, Joints & More Yucca root is also known as Brazilian arrowroot, and it is found locally around South America. Yucca root contains antioxidants that have been shown to significantly improve the immune system. It has even shown to help the outcome of patients who … [Read more...]
Why Probiotics Are Extra Beneficial for Athletes
Why Probiotics Are Extra Beneficial for Athletes No matter how healthy you eat or how consistently you exercise, your gut bacteria still may not be as balanced as it is supposed to be. Probiotics have been showing a lot of promise when it comes to intervening with harmful gut bacteria, helping us … [Read more...]
The 5 Best Anti-Inflammatory Foods for Your Body
The 5 Best Anti-Inflammatory Foods for Your Body Anti-inflammatory diets have been all the rage lately, especially since Tom Brady came forward about adhering to one himself. One of the best types of anti-inflammatory foods to include in your diet are blueberries. This is due to blueberries … [Read more...]
Vitamin C- Sources and Benefits
Vitamin C- Sources and Benefits Ascorbic Acid, aka Vitamin C, is critical to the production of a variety of soft but important bodily tissues, including skin, collagen, ligaments, tendons and blood vessels, as well as to the repair of injuries sustained by bones, teeth and soft tissue alike, and … [Read more...]
Detox Your Liver: Try My 6-Step Liver Cleanse
Detox Your Liver: Try My 6-Step Liver Cleanse Life exposes us to toxins in our environment and in our food. To help us deal with that constant influx, our livers do a non-stop, bang-up job of housing nutrients, destroying old cells, removing toxins and breaking down other unwanted items so that … [Read more...]
Are Black Garlic Benefits Even More than Raw Garlic?
Are Black Garlic Benefits Even More than Raw Garlic? Black garlic's technical terminology is Allium sativum, and it is quickly becoming on-trend with individuals who are interested in introducing more superfoods into their diets. Some of the many benefits that stem from the consumption of black … [Read more...]
Green Peas: The High-Fiber, Protein-Rich Powerhouse for Weight Loss & More
Green Peas: The High-Fiber, Protein-Rich Powerhouse for Weight Loss & More Looking for a healthy food rich in nutrients? Green peas might be your answer. The vegetable can be prepared in various ways. They can be eaten strictly raw, of course. Additionally, they can be boiled or cooked. You might … [Read more...]
Here’s why you should start snacking on almonds every day
Here's why you should start snacking on almonds every day Almonds have almost 12g of your daily fiber intake which promotes digestive regularity, but that's not all that this snack could contribute to your diet. The fats that are present in almonds are called polyunsaturated and monosaturated fats … [Read more...]
Stunned scientists find BLUEBERRIES are better at destroying cancer cells than conventional radiation therapy alone
Stunned scientists find BLUEBERRIES are better at destroying cancer cells than conventional radiation therapy alone Treating cancer with traditional methods can be quite taxing on the human body, which is why many people are researching alternative ways to minimize or eliminate cancer cells. … [Read more...]
Donâ??t Ignore a Kidney Infection: Kidney Infection Symptoms (+ 10 Prevention Tips)
Don’t Ignore a Kidney Infection: Kidney Infection Symptoms (+ 10 Prevention Tips) Your kidneys clean your blood and are responsible for important electrolyte balancing in your body. They are critical to your state of health and so their health is critical to yours. When a bacteria travels up your … [Read more...]
Reboot your diet: Consuming more mono-unsaturated fatty acids can reduce your risk of heart disease by 26%
Reboot your diet: Consuming more mono-unsaturated fatty acids can reduce your risk of heart disease by 26% Harvard researchers culled data from two giant studies that followed male and female health practitioners. The original studies were very detailed, as regards diet consumption of those … [Read more...]
Oat Milk: The Dairy-Free, Gluten-Free Milk that Supports Bones & Immunity
Oat Milk: The Dairy-Free, Gluten-Free Milk that Supports Bones & Immunity Oat milk is a nutritious dairy substitute made by straining a blender-mixed combination of oats and water. It is lactose-free, vegan, usually well fortified with calcium and vitamins, and can be seeetend or flavored with … [Read more...]
Critter Problems? 4 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Mice Naturally
Critter Problems? 4 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Mice Naturally Many people view mice as cute little critters, despite how dangerous they can be to your home's structure, food, and electrical systems. Mice can contaminate your cupboards, chew electrical wires, and do damage to your home's exterior. … [Read more...]
Eat just one small handful of pecans every day to dramatically improve your heart health
Eat just one small handful of pecans every day to dramatically improve your heart health Our diets are typically consistent with heavy saturated fat intakes, which can lead to a substantial amount of harmful symptoms. Pecans are actually high in fats called monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated … [Read more...]
Ladyâ??s Mantle for Menstrual & Gastrointestinal Relief + Other Benefits
Lady’s Mantle for Menstrual & Gastrointestinal Relief + Other Benefits A transplant that thrives in parts of America, lady's Mantle is a European perrenial, historically, and a member of the rose family. Although attractive and ornamental in gardens, the plant has health-giving properties as … [Read more...]
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