It is the anti-inflammatory effect of curcumin that underlies a variety of other health benefits beyond its antidepressant effect. A study published in 2013 showed remarkable results in depressed individuals who used a special curcumin complex called BCM-95 (r) - with bioavailability seven times … [Read more...]
Inflammation Is A Major Factor In All Digestive Disorders
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is an umbrella term for diseases that affect chronic inflammation in the digestive tract. All gastrointestinal diseases are diseases that affect the digestive system. These conditions include inflammation, sores and ulcers that are superficial to the lining of your … [Read more...]
Curcumin And Memory: Alzheimer’S And Dementia
Turmeric is one of the few herbal remedies for which scientific evidence exists to demonstrate its safety and efficacy in the treatment of certain diseases, including Alzheimer's disease. To date, most research agrees that turmeric and curcumin in particular have anti-inflammatory properties, and it … [Read more...]
Lack Of Sunshine Causes a Vitamin D Deficiency, a Vitamin D3 Supplement Can Help
Vitamin D production from the skin is the primary natural source of vitamin D but many people have too little vitamin D because they live in places where sunlight is limited, especially in winter, and they limit sunlight too much. Since people with darker skin tend to have lower levels of vitamin D … [Read more...]
Does N-Acetyl Cysteine Boost Glutathione Levels In The Body?
Cysteine is one of three amino acids (along with glycine and glutamine) that makes up glutathione, an important super-antioxidant found in the body's cells. Glutathione is considered the strongest of all antioxidants in the body and has a variety of functions in the body. Due to its spread … [Read more...]
Spore Based Probiotic And Prebiotics Can Boost Gut Health
In 2017, a randomized, placebo-controlled study, published in the World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pathophysiology, looked at healthy men and women with an average age of 21 years, 13 people in the placebo group and 15 in a spore-produced probiotic group. The researchers found that the spores-based … [Read more...]
Testosterone In Men Decline As We Age, Learn How To Reverse It
This natural decline begins around the age of 30 and continues for the rest of a human life. When men reach the age of 50, the decline can lead to symptoms and signs such as impotence, changes in sexual desire, depression, anxiety, decreased muscle mass, less energy, weight gain, anemia and hot … [Read more...]
Vitamin D-3 Can Support A Healthy Immune System
Vitamin D3 is a fat-soluble vitamin crucial to the absorption of calcium and phosphorous. It is found in sunlight as well as in foods such as halibut, mackerel, salmon, cod liver oil, sardines, dairy, and some fortified orange juices. Vitamin D3 is a critical building block of the body's health. It … [Read more...]
NAC for Immunity and Liver Health
N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC) is the supplemental form of the amino acid cysteine. It is an antioxidant that is especially good for repairing liver damage and boosting your immune system, among other health benefits. Boosting the Immune System Glutathione is one of the most powerful antioxidants there … [Read more...]
Zinc Supports: Appetite, Bone, Healing, Hair/Skin/Nails, Immune, Liver, Prostate, and Vision
Zinc is an essential mineral found within every cell of the body and supports 300 enzymatic actions. As an essential nutrient, Zinc must be obtained from diet or supplementation. Foods Highest in Zinc: Oysters, Pumpkin Seeds, Shellfish, Cashews, Beef, and Chick Peas. Benefits of … [Read more...]
Effectiveness of BCM-95 Curcumin
Dear Friends, I am very excited to share with you the results of the recently published study of our curcumin’s ability to cross the blood brain barrier and provide excellent brain benefits. For those of you who may not be familiar, the blood brain barrier is a filtering system that screens … [Read more...]
Do you have a sweet tooth? Try Stevia!
You've tried several times to change your diet, promising yourself that you will cut out the sweets and trim back the calories. You're determined. This time is different. It's going to happen. Then, the inevitable occurs. Someone brings a huge box of donuts to the office, or it's someone's birthday, … [Read more...]
The Ultimate Immune Support – New from Solaray
Solaray has come out with the ultimate in immune support supplements. Immufight is formulated with Vitamin C, Vitamin D-3, and Zinc as its key primary ingredients for immune health, each formula has much more than just those three ingredients, tailored to provide a daily boost to your immune … [Read more...]
Solaray Quality Is The Utmost Importance!
If you are looking for a quality brand consider Solaray! Solaray products are manufacture in house, they have their own lab to test raw materials and also third party testing to confirm findings in all their raw materials. One example is their new Mycrobiome Probiotic line. Solaray manufactured … [Read more...]
Black Seed Oil With Thymoquinone Help Me Reduce Inflammation?
Blackseed oil benefits Recent advancements in technology have discovered that black seed oil, which is rich in a compound called Thymoquinone, can help fix many ailments in the human body, ranging from low blood sugar to male infertility. While many studies are still underway, we have seen … [Read more...]
Turmeric Root Is An Epigenetic Herb
Trying to navigate the herbs and supplements you need to stay healthy can seem like a nightmare. One doctor says you need more of something while another doctor directly contradicts them. With a little research on your own, you are able to find more accurately what your body needs. You can see … [Read more...]
CBD for Sleep, Anxiety, and Inflammation Pain
CBD for Various Aches and Pains The wonders of CBD oil have come into the spotlight in the last few years, and for a good reason. People who take a supplement in some form, usually oil, report feeling less anxious and more energetic, better rest and relaxation, and relief from inflammation. In … [Read more...]
Reduce Stress And More With Ashwagandha
Ashwagandha is a shrub with yellow flowers and red fruits used for medicinal purposes. It is a prominent herb in ayurvedic medicine, an ancient healthcare practice in India, and is widely grown in the Middle East, India, and North Africa. It plays a significant role in enhancing mental and physical … [Read more...]
Do You Know What Milk Thistle Can Do For The Liver?
The liver is mainly responsible for digestion, growth, and detoxification - although it is known to have 500 different functions to keep the body working properly. It is a major player for our health. In today's world, we're hit with a growing amount of toxins. Unfortunately, the wear and tear on … [Read more...]
Quercetin Can Help Zinc Into Cells Boosting Immunity!
How Quercetin Helps Zinc into the Cell Overview Quercetin is a pigment that’s part of the polyphenol plant family, which consists of potent anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory compounds. Taking quercetin supplements has been linked to a myriad of health benefits, including better … [Read more...]
New HempCeutix CBD products from Natures Plus
HEMPCEUTIX PURE HEMP OIL embodies purity and strength. Small batch, careful extraction methods capture the wisdom of Cannabis along with its entire profile of phytocannabinoids, terpenes and other naturally occurring compounds. HEMPCEUTIX PURE 3000mg or 6000 delivers an outstanding 60mg or 120 mg … [Read more...]
French Grape Seed: Stops Cancer In Its Tracks
Grapes are consumed around the world, they are an excellent source of healthy compounds. Wine has even been discovered to hold protective antioxidant properties if consumed in small quantities based on the “French Paradox.” When it comes to Cancer, the seeds of the grape are the powerhouse of the … [Read more...]
Solaray Mycrobiome Probiotics
Solaray has come out with a new enteric coated probiotics line that is specifically formulated to men, women, weight loss, ect. Multi strain probiotic with prebiotics to feed as well as replace flora. … [Read more...]
Tart Cherry and Uric Acid
Have you ever had joint pain that just appeared out of nowhere? Did you know the foods you eat can cause uric acid to buildup in the body? Uric acid, when in abundance, can crystallize and cause joint and muscle pain. Fortunately there is a natural substance found in cherries that can help the body … [Read more...]
Why is Zinc an Important Mineral For Proper Immune System Health?
Zinc is an important mineral that regulates numerous bodily functions, and keeps the immune system strong and functioning properly. Our Immune System Our immune system is our body’s defense against invaders or foreign substances like viruses, bacteria, and parasites that make us sick. When our … [Read more...]
CBD And How Cannabidiol Affects CB1 And CB2 Receptors
CBD: How It Works In Our Bodies And The Many Forms It May Come In With a growing society that is more health-conscious than ever, the modern world has found new ways to provide organic alternatives to live a healthier life. CBD or cannabidiol is a compound found in cannabis that many may … [Read more...]
Why Does Fish Oil Need To Be Molecular Distilled?
Why Does Fish Oil Need To Be Molecular Distilled? We want to be as healthy as we can for as long as we can. Some people have found taking fish oil to be a beneficial option. Let's get into what this supplement is and why people choose it for their health. What Is Fish Oil? This product is … [Read more...]
Xylitol and its many benefits in the mouth!
What Is It? Xylitol is a rather ubiquitous ingredient in oral hygiene products like mouthwashes and toothpastes. It's also in gums,mints,and candies. It is an additive in sugar-free items. It's made from an alcohol that occurs in many varieties of fruits,vegetables, and woods including … [Read more...]
Vectomega Vs Fish/Krill Oil
Vectomega does not cause gastric regurgitation (Fish burp), It is from a Single Fish Source, It has a phospholipid transport (improved absorption), Is enzyme and cold water extracted, Vectomega is highly concentrated, single tablet, full daily dose, Completely bioidentical to EFA structure in … [Read more...]
Benefits of Andrographis
Protects the Liver - Stops the over-proliferation of cells that lead to cirrhosis, boost the activity of glutathione and superoxide dismutase (SOD). Strengthens immune defense Stops viruses and resistant bacteria Prevents tumors and cell damage - Andrographolide from andrographis been … [Read more...]
Support Libido, Stamina, and Healthy Blood Flow With Red Ginseng HRG80
Maintaining your energy through a busy day can be difficult with our modern schedules. Caffeine and energy drinks can help keep you alert at different parts of the day, but may lead to energy crashes and loss of focus later. Panax red ginseng HRG80 is an herbal supplement that helps reduce fatigue, … [Read more...]
The Thyroid Is Our Master Metabolism Organ
If you are experiencing certain body and mind changes, but can't seem to understand why, there could be something going on. Do these disheartening outcries sound familiar? - Why am I so moody? - Why am I gaining weight for no reason? - Why am I losing weight for no reason? - Why am I always so … [Read more...]
Is Your Gut Healthy And Flourishing With Friendly Bacteria?
Within your gut, approximately 40 trillion friendly bacteria are working to help digest your food. In the process, these bacteria make essential nutrients your body can’t produce on its own. Moreover, this benevolent bacteria helps to protect you from disease. These microscopic, single-celled … [Read more...]
The Better Absorbed Form Of B-12 (Methylcobalamin) (Methyl B-12)
Methyl Forms of B-12 are absorbed by the body better than your standard cobalamin forms. If you want to get the most out of your B-12 supplement, make sure you are buying methyl B-12. Cheap forms of B-12 Cobalamin can be found anywhere, drug stores, big markets like w-mart, but buyer beware! If … [Read more...]
How Hemp Can Help You!
Cannabis-derived products like Cannabidiol, commonly referred to as CBD, have been making headlines for their apparent health benefits. They are available in tinctures, salves, capsules, gummies, edibles, and various other delivery methods. Anecdotal evidence suggests cannabinoids derived from hemp … [Read more...]
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Living with NAFLD Alcohol or drug abuse is not the only way to weaken your liver. Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, or NAFLD is the build up of fat in your liver in people who drink minimally or not at all. It is currently the leading type of liver disease in children and the number of … [Read more...]
Hydrating Power Of Omega-7 From Sea Buckthorn
Hydrating Power Of Omega-7 From Sea Buckthorn Looking for ways to increase hydration both internally and externally? Look no further than Omega-7 from Sea Buckthorn! You may have heard of Omega-3 fatty acids, commonly found in fish oil, and maybe Omega 6 acids like in flaxseed. Have you heard … [Read more...]
Fenugreek Extract Boosts Energy, Stamina, and Testosterone
As men get older, many of them find their libido, energy, stamina, and strength seem to be gradually declining. All of these symptoms are associated with declines in testosterone; in most men, testosterone levels peak during late adolescence and early adulthood, and then very slowly decline by … [Read more...]
Nutrients The Thyroid Needs To Function Properly
Small and butterfly-shaped, the thyroid gland plays a big role in the endocrine system and affects almost every organ in the body. It helps regulate metabolism, body temperature, respiration, helps maintain blood calcium and cholesterol levels, keeps the heart and nervous system healthy, and more. … [Read more...]
Natural Solutions for Alzheimer’s
Alzheimer's is a terrifying disease, that affects over 5 million Americans, perhaps somebody in your own family or a friend has it. Once diagnosed, decline feels inevitable. Prescription drugs have limited effect and come with many side effects, so finding a way of stopping its progression can … [Read more...]
Solutions For Alzhemer’s
Alzheimer's, the thought of the disease is chilling. For anyone who has ever had a family member diagnosed with this debilitating condition, there's a very real sense of desperation in finding some way, any way, of preventing or curing this disease. And its not just for the sake of the afflicted … [Read more...]
Matcha Shows Stress-Relieving Properties
Matcha Shows Stress-Relieving Properties Matcha is a stone-ground green tea that is traditionally used by the Japanese people in their tea ceremonies. This way of brewing tea is actually ancient. 2,000 years ago they were brewing tea this way in China. Nowadays, only the Japanese continue to … [Read more...]
Garlic Extract May Minimize Effects of Gingivitis
The health benefits of garlic have been known and utilized for centuries, dating back to even the most ancient medicinal practices. It has been used to treat a plethora of ailments throughout time, and modern science has confirmed its effectiveness for a wide variety of treatments. Garlic contains … [Read more...]
CBD Oil Softgels by market leader Plus CBD Oil
A convenient way to get the purest form of CBD. Infused with concentrated Cannabidiol (CBD) from agricultural hemp aerial plant parts, these easy-to-take softgels ensure you get an exact amount of CBD in every serving. Softgels are absorbed into the human body at a faster rate than capsules. … [Read more...]
Healthier Pain Relief With Hemp
These days, our entire society is asking questions about how we use prescription-only, opioid painkillers. Naturally occurring cannabidiol oil can provide effective pain relief without risking the habituation and addiction associated with opioids. To understand why medicines based on hemp are now so … [Read more...]
Glutathione A Life Saving Antioxidant!
Glutathione is an antioxidant that is naturally found in all cells of the body. The substance contains three amino acid molecules. Amino acids are able to combine in differing patterns that allow for the production of all proteins within the human body. G Glutathione is unique in that it is able … [Read more...]
Magnesium plays a key role in energy metabolism, nerve conduction, muscle contraction and more
How Magnesium Works in the Body to Provide Multiple Benefits Magnesium is a natural occurring mineral that is found in both land and sea. This macro-material is necessary to fulfill the proper functioning of the human body. Other macro-materials include potassium, calcium and sodium. Our bodies … [Read more...]
Selenium / CoQ10 Can Give You A Healthy Heart
How Selenium and CoQ10 Contribute to Heart Health According to recent statistics, nearly 84 million people in the United States are afflicted with some form of cardiovascular disease. While this means that approximately 1 in 4 people will die as a result of heart disease, the good news is that … [Read more...]
Natural Support For Lowering Cholesterol, Triglycerides and Glucose Levels With Bergamot
Bergamot, a Naturally Based Multipurpose Healer Modern populations, especially those in the Western World, face a silent epidemic. An increasing number of people suffer from high cholesterol, elevated triglycerides and poorly managed glucose levels. When associated together they represent an … [Read more...]
Memory Boost, Brain Cells Need Lots of Energy and PQQ Can Help
Pyrroloquinoline Quinone, How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count the Ways! Pyrroloquinoline Quinone, also known as PQQ, is not the name of a foreign film star. It is the name, however, of an important micronutrient that aids in the metabolic process. Essentially, this component of cellular power … [Read more...]
The Pain Epidemic: No End In Sight
The Pain Epidemic in America: When Will the Suffering End Pain is the subjective experience of discomfort and can be accompanied by itching, burning or inflammation. While there are tests that can be used to establish the presence of conditions that are associated with pain, there are no tests … [Read more...]
Melatonin as a Treatment for Insomnia and Other Sleep Disorders
Sleep disorders such as insomnia, jet lag and other similar disorders are generally caused by a disruption in circadian rhythms (the natural timing of sleep and wake cycles) which naturally occur in the human body. Melatonin, a naturally occurring hormone, can be taken as a supplement and may … [Read more...]
Saffron Extract Helps Improve Depression and Anxiety
Hailing from the traditional medicine of Persian culture, saffron has also long been used as a popular culinary herb. Its vibrant red color and bold flavor are its defining characteristics- as is its reign as world's most expensive spice. Throughout history, this spice has been known to relax the … [Read more...]
Cope with Stress and Reduce Fatigue with Ashwagandha and Rhodiola
Fight Stress & Reduce Fatigue with Ashwagandha & Rhodiola Everyday stress is unavoidable and the chronic variety can have a lasting impact on our health. Whether it’s the death of a loved one, a serious medical illness or a strained living situation, these prolonged states of stress … [Read more...]
Worlds most Effective turmeric On the Market
CuraMed is the best selling most effective curcumin from turmeric on the market. Place an order and get free shipping on any size purchase of Europharma Terry naturally products. Also new to Europharma Hemp Oil Extract. also, free shipping on any size purchase, Improve mood, get better … [Read more...]
Sweeteners Under The Spotlight
An increasing amount of research has shown that refined white sugar can lead to a variety of health problems. Sugar has been linked to unhealthy cholesterol levels. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that people who ate the highest amounts of refined white … [Read more...]
Is Your Thyroid Protected? What You May Not Know About The Ongoing Radiation From Fukushima
Is Your Thyroid Protected Against the Ongoing Radiation From Fukushima? On March 11, 2011 a violent earthquake rocked the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Okuma following a tsunami that caused significant coastal damage in the area of $360 million. Although the active reactors were … [Read more...]
Stop Bacteria With Nature’s Antibiotics
If you've ever had an infected wound or an abscessed tooth, you know what it takes to destroy the infection. Antibiotics have been an excellent way of killing infections quickly and completely for decades now. Recently, however, there has been proof that they seem to be working a lot less and … [Read more...]
Vitamin C, Sepsis and Blood Vessel Health
The human body requires many things to maintain its internal balance, also known as homeostasis. One of the more important things for the body are vitamins. Vitamins are organic compounds which are required to sustain life. Usually, most of the vitamins need to come from food. Usually, this is … [Read more...]
Berberine Affects on Microbiome and The Brain.
Berberine: Amazing Brain & Microbiome Benefits Used for centuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine, berberine is swiftly becoming one of the most sought after supplements in the global health food market. Test after test reveals this yellow-colored alkaloid, which is derived from a wide … [Read more...]