Chlorine, Fluoride, and Bromide lower iodine levels in the body by blocking iodine receptors which are found through out the body and in the thyroid gland. Chlorine is now used as to purify water instead of iodine. Fluoride is almost universally found in toothpaste and drinking water, and bromine … [Read more...]
Are You Hypothyroid? (Low Thyroid)
Did you know that one simple mineral can boost metabolism, mood, and much more? This one mineral use to be called "Cure All", but we have forgotten all about it in favor of prescription drugs. The result, rates of cancer are skyrocketing, obesity is epidemic, and our energy levels have plunged … [Read more...]
Technically, Curcumin Found in Turmeric Has Been Found To:
Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric. One of the reasons that curcumin works so well on such a wide range of diseases is because it is such a powerful anti-inflammatory. We know that almost all chronic diseases from diabetes to heart disease, cancer, arthritis, and Alzheimer's have one … [Read more...]
A Tannin-Free Grape Seed Extract Can Do The Following:
OPC's are compounds found in gape seeds that have great protective value for our cells by stopping oxidative damage and reducing inflammation. But to be beneficial, OPC's need to be a certain size so that they can be absorbed by the body. Grape seed extract has become one of the world's most … [Read more...]
Maltodextrin explained
Many people were very upset about Kal pure stevia and its other ingredient listing Maltodextrin. There has been a lot of controversy surrounding this ingredient maltodextrin, I am here to explain how maltodextrin got into the pure stevia in the first place. When ever a manufacturing company … [Read more...]
Vitamin D may Aid those with Multiple Sclerosis
Low vitamin D levels tend to increase the susceptibility of people to multiple sclerosis. This is a disorder where nerve cells coating become damaged. People whose skin can’t produce enough vitamin D are the most affected by this autoimmune condition. People inhabiting the North Hemisphere produces … [Read more...]
What is Metabolic Syndrome?
If you are overweight, you should be concerned about Metabolic Syndrome. Why? Because Metabolic Syndrome is a serious medical condition that increases your risk of developing diabetes and heart diseases - especially if you are grossly overweight. It is estimated that about 20% to 25% of adults in … [Read more...]
The reason to avoid taking high fructose corn syrup
High fructose corn syrup is an unnatural sweetener made by processing out normal sugar in corn. Professionals argue that the method of creating High fructose corn syrup is actually not very different from producing old sugars by using sugar canes. These two processes involved a huge level of … [Read more...]
*New – Curamin Athletic Pain Relief
New product from Terry Naturals Europharma USA. Curamin® Athletic Pain*† combines the strongest ingredients from our award-winning Curamin® formula with powerful enzymes for effective, safe pain relief.*† Improve Athletic recovery and pain relief with this new curamin formula … [Read more...]
Boost Brain Power with That Deep Yellow Root
Just 400 mgs a day of the well known curcumin from Turmeric Root can boost cognitive function, memory and attention. If you are over 50, you can benefit from curcumins anti-inflammatory properties as well. Curcumin can help lower inflammation and pain. Want to reap the benefits your self, look for … [Read more...]
Inflammation and Mental Health Could be the Missing Link
Though it might be a debatable topic, many believe that there could be a direct connection between mental health and inflammation which may impact various parts of the body. In fact there are many research studies to suggest that depression, mood swings and mood disorders could be directly linked to … [Read more...]
How Cinnamon Lowers Cholesterol
Most people use spices to season their delicacies while being oblivious to the health benefits that these spices offer. Cinnamon is one of the common spices in most people’s kitchens. While sprinkling on food, it will not only season your food to your liking, but it can also help in reducing … [Read more...]
Fill in your nutritional gaps by consuming fruits and veggies
Are you meeting your daily nutritional requirements? Well, if not, relax. Colorful fruits and vegetables are undervalued today despite the numerous health benefits they offer. They not only enhance your health but can also be very useful in helping you prevent some common diseases like cancer and … [Read more...]
Restore your youthful hormone levels with this one herb!
The body's ability to work is greatly influenced by hormones. Any kind of imbalance can cause a number of health problems like metabolism, mental health, sex drive, and sleep cycles, etc. Depression, fatigue, problem in weight loss and dilapidation are some of the other problems experienced due to … [Read more...]
Children’s Ailments Linked to Magnesium Deficiency
Many parents are keen about ensuring their children have enough nutrients in the foods they consume. While most parents are keen about ensuring their children are consuming enough calcium and vitamin C, many do not know how important magnesium is to the health of their young … [Read more...]
The role and importance of selenium
Selenium is one of the several essential dietary minerals and humans require a small quantity of this in their daily diet. It is incorporated in a little group of vital proteins, each of that plays an important role in the human health. Scientists call selenium possessing proteins as selenoproteins. … [Read more...]
Magical Mushrooms for better health!
Mushrooms are known as the medicine of kings and can give you unexpected results in improving your health conditions. They contain the most effective medical properties of the world. Mushrooms can help you in many ways such as they help to boost your immune system, to fight against cancer, to cure … [Read more...]
Taurine – A Performance Enhancer for Athletes
Taurine or L-Taurine is regarded as the 2nd most abundant amino acid in the body's muscles after glutamine. It is present in huge amounts in our heart and brain. It is also found in healthy food sources like milk products, poultry, eggs and the ideal ones being meat and fish. It is included in some … [Read more...]
Can Ginkgo Improve Memory?
Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) is widely considered to be the oldest living tree species. Despite facing major extinction events, it went on to survive for more than 200 million years in China. It now grows throughout the world. Ginkgo trees have very unique qualities – they can reach up to 130 feet tall … [Read more...]
Red Yeast rice in improving the level of cholesterol
Chinese have been using Red yeast rice for many years as a food colorant, food preservative, as an ingredient in rice wine and as a spice. It still continues to be a dietary staple in Asian, Japan and Chinese communities especially those living in the United States. Red Yeast Rice is also used … [Read more...]
Strengthen your adrenals with ginseng
The slow growing perennial plant that has fleshy roots is known as Ginseng. This plant fits in with the Araliaceae group of plants and it prospers for the most part in a few locales of North America and Eastern Asia. The term of this herb was really gotten from Chinese term renshen, which is a blend … [Read more...]
Echinacea Benefits Immune System Function
If you’re worried about cold and flu season, then you’re probably looking for a remedy that will get you and your family through safely. Echinacea is a natural supplement many people use for colds and respiratory problems. Echinacea is a flowering plant native to the United States and Canada. It’s … [Read more...]
Elderberry & The Immune System
Elderberries have been known for a long time to have great health benefits. They come from a plant known as the Sambucus which is commonly referred to as elderflower or as "the elder". They are mainly found in the Northern hemisphere specifically in North America and Europe although some Southern … [Read more...]
What Herbs Increase Mothers Milk?
The utilization of certain plants is as old as mankind itself. From the moment we developed into the thinking, sentient beings that we are today, we relied on the natural power of herbs to heal, to develop, to prosper. Their effectiveness goes beyond the often criticized methods of alternative … [Read more...]
Using Damiana to support healthy hormone levels in men and women
First discovered by the Mayan and Aztec civilization in Latin America, Damiana herb is a small shrub with aromatic leaves. The natives used it during ceremonies to ease depression and anxiety. It was also used in Latin America to add flavor to tea. The medicinal part of this plant are the stem … [Read more...]
Is Your Body Retaining Too Much Water?
While it is important to have plenty of water in your diet, it can be difficult for your body to have too much water. Water retention can be a difficult problem in your body as it can make it harder for you to stay healthy. What Makes Retention So Dangerous? On the surface, water … [Read more...]
One Simple Household Spice Can Lower Your Blood Sugar
High blood sugar can be very dangerous and threatening to your life. The concerns that come with having more blood sugar than needed can harm your body over time but there is one household spice that can help you out. You can use cinnamon bark to help you keep your blood sugar levels from being too … [Read more...]
If You Want To Lose Weight, You Need to Turn Up the Bodies Thermostat
According to Dutch researchers you can lose weight more efficiently by increasing your body thermostat. People usually put on another layer of clothing and turn down the thermostat of their air-conditioning unit when the weather gets colder. Such things obstruct in losing weight as the internal … [Read more...]
Are You Drinking This Endocrine System Destroyer?
If you are drinking the water supplied by municipal sources, then you are drinking endocrine destroyer elements even if it is claimed to be safe and healthy. In fact there is some disagreement on the synthetic fluoride used to purify municipal water as it can cause serious problems. The information … [Read more...]
Can berberine help manage blood sugar levels?
Blood sugar refers to the amount of glucose in the blood. It is measured in millimoles per liter, mmol/l. Blood glucose levels are usually measured to make a diagnosis of diabetes, or to monitor it. You may also need to have blood glucose levels measured if you are pregnant, have pancreatitis or are … [Read more...]
Ashwagandha for effective stress relief
Belonging to the family of a tomato, Ashwagandha is a plump shrub with yellow flowers and oval leaves. It produces a red fruit, the size of a raisin. This herb is native in the dry regions on northern Africa, the Middle East and India. Today, it is also grown in more mild climates including … [Read more...]
How bilberry helps to improve night vision
Night vision becomes such a big issue as we age and if you consult your doctor, he or she will probably tell you that it is a normal part of aging; something that you may just have to live with. However, scientists have discovered that bilberries can help with night vision. Bilberry is the … [Read more...]
What Are The Symptoms of Vitamin K deficiency?
Vitamin K has an important role in maintaining blood clotting. It is also essential for dense, strong, and healthy bones. It cures heart disease. This vitamin is required for the overall development of the body. Its deficiency can create many health complications such as a decrease in bone mineral … [Read more...]
Drugs You Should Avoid If You Want Strong Bones!
Vitamin K is an important fat-soluble vitamin that plays a significant role in blood clotting. Excessive vitamin K might be the reason of some health complications. Similarly, the deficiency of this vitamin can create weak bones and heart diseases. This vitamin is considered important for many … [Read more...]
How does Vitamin K Improve Bone Formation?
Vitamin K has a significant role in the formation of osteocalcin. This is a bone gamma-carboxyglutamic-acid-containing protein (BGLAP) that can be found in the bones and dentin. The protein has GLA domains that can only be synthesized when there is vitamin K present. Vitamin K is a fat-soluble … [Read more...]
Is Tupelo Honey Better For You?
Tupelo Honey is a native kind of honey that is farmed in Florida. It is distinct from other kinds of honey in the sense that the bees feed on only one flower – the green and white blossoms of the white tupelo gum tree. These flowers are said to be extremely fragile and weather conditions must be at … [Read more...]
Health Benefits of Spirulina , a Nutritional Superstar
Spirulina is a form of blue-green algae which is an incredible superfood. The health advantages of spirulina are enormous and has influence over every area of our body. It offers a concentrated source of vitamins, proteins, anti-oxidants and other essential nutrients. Nowadays, trendy life-style … [Read more...]
Elderberry Is a Centuries Old Tradition for immune Support
Elderberries, also known as Sambucus, has been used by people in Europe, north America, western Asian and north Africa for centuries in the treatment of coughs, reduction of cholesterol, viral infections, bacterial infections and general immune support. Elderberry juice was used in 1996 in the … [Read more...]
How Does Niacin Help Cholesterol?
High cholesterol has been associated with many conditions, most significantly, high blood pressure and heart disease. For your overall health, lowering cholesterol levels is an absolute must. There are many methods by which you can achieve this. It includes prescribed medications, diet, exercise and … [Read more...]
Collagen is a fibrous insoluble protein that constitutes 65% of the protein content in our body. It is found in the connective tissues of our organs like heart, lungs, bones, hair, joints, nails, etc. It is an integration of 1500 amino acids like proline, hydroxyproline, glycine, etc. They consist … [Read more...]
How Vitamin C Helps in Fighting Cold
Vitamin C is a nutrient that your body needs to stay healthy. Most people attribute this nutrient as a means to fight common colds. Food items that are rich in Vitamin C include bell peppers, dark leafy greens, kiwifruit, broccoli, berries, citrus fruits, tomatoes, peas, and papayas. Vitamin C was … [Read more...]
Relax The Mind With This Natural Supplement: L-Theanine
Are you looking for a natural supplement that can help you relax your mind? Look no more, L-theanine is the right choice for you. L-theanine may seem to be a new substance to several individuals, but there is a good possibility that you have come across it before. For instance, in the cup of green … [Read more...]
Boost Energy with Royal Jelly
For many athletes, bodybuilders, manual laborers and basically anyone who uses a lot of energy during their daily activities, energy boost is a necessity. Boosting body's energy is a healthy way of improving your lifestyle, however caution needs to taken. Most people have been continually tricked by … [Read more...]
The Importance of Iodine in Our Radioactive Environment
When the world is facing various types of health problems due to exposure to the radiations caused by various medical practices as well as accidental leakages like that occurred in the nuclear plant of Japan few years back, it is justified to know about the importance of iodine in this regard. In … [Read more...]
Please Pass The Butter!
After many years of research, no evidence have been found that we should stay away from saturated fats like butter. Part of this study signifies that there is no direct link between saturated fats and heart problems. A small percentage of this fat is essential to be included in the diet. However, … [Read more...]
A Good Prebiotic Is Just As Important As a Good Probiotic
While discussing importance of prebiotic and probiotic foods the first question that sticks one’s mind is the difference between the two. After understanding the difference between these two types of healthy foods it will be easy to understand them appropriately, as their names also look … [Read more...]
Vitamin D May Help Fight Macular Degeneration
It has been proven through various researches that the risk of age-related macular degeneration or AMD gets lower with people who regularly have sufficient Vitamin D. According to latest researches, it has been proven that the risk of blindness reduces by about 60% for women less than 75 years of … [Read more...]
Effects of GMO foods
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) are those plants or microorganisms whose genome have been altered to differ from the naturally occurring genetic materials. GMO foods are synthesized from these genetically modified organisms whose DNA is altered mostly through the introduction of a new gene from … [Read more...]
A New Look At Pycnogenol And Skin Health
A wonderfully made dietary supplement that offers to give great benefits in this small package. It's genuinely stuffed with various awesome advantages for a better wellbeing. The normal fixings incorporate Pinus radiata Bark separate, Acai berry mash, and that rich wellspring of Healthy Omega-3; … [Read more...]
Why Does Gluten Bother So Many People?
Gluten Free diet is a type of weight-loss program recommended to improve the digestive health. It is a simple program that takes away gluten off your diet. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, grain, and rye. There are several conditions attributed to gluten sensitivity. One of these is Celiac … [Read more...]
Why Is BCM95 Curcumin The Best Form For Pain Relief?
Curcumin is the yellow part usually found in curry spices. Ginger and turmeric are the most common sources of this beneficial natural chemical. Curcumin is an active ingredient said to possess anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer characteristics. It is also said to serve as an active enhancer in … [Read more...]
Trace Elements for Healthy Living
The human body is a complex machine that requires almost two-thirds of all the elements known to man in order to run efficiently. Trace elements are essential nutrients that the body requires for growth, repair and maintenance but cannot make on its own and therefore must be acquired from foods. The … [Read more...]
Do You Know What Nerve Growth Factors Are?
Amyloban is an active component extracted from edible lion’s mane mushrooms to provide health solutions such as memory improvement. Amyloban is nerve growth factors that are found in lions mane and also called Lion’s Mane as a result of its long cascading tendrils. People who consume it are likely … [Read more...]
How to Age Gracefully With Resveratrol
Resveratrol is a member of the group of compounds known as polyphenols derived from plants. These compounds are considered to be protective for various types of damages to human body which can cause various fatal diseases like heart problems and cancer through their antioxidant properties. … [Read more...]
L-Glutamine, The Single Most Important Amino Acid For Good Health
Amino Acids have many health benefits. It is considered beneficial for hair growth, blood circulation, strong immune system, treating arthritis and male fertility. L-glutamine is a non-essential amino acid in the human body. It is required to increase water preservation in muscle cells, to produce … [Read more...]
Why Is Papaya So Good For Digestion?
Aging is a slow and continuous process. We don’t realize that as we age our bodies get weaker and weaker. Our body health decreases and we become more susceptible to diseases and illnesses. One needs to maintain proper digestion functions to ensure that the body can absorb enough nutrients for … [Read more...]
Promote Healthy Skin / Nails / Hair And Improve Joint Health With This Single Supplement
Does the health of your skin, hair, nails and joint worry you? Most people have at least one remedy they use to treat these health conditions, but do you know that you can promote your skin, nails, hair and joint health by taking one single supplement? Collagen is the solution. What is … [Read more...]
Did You Know over 90% Of Soy Grown Is GM?
There are numerous controversies surrounding the genetically modified food, and no matter how much the companies would like to have you believe it's safe to eat, there are no scientific studies that can really confirm it. And if there is no scientific evidence behind it, how can you be assured that … [Read more...]
Did You Know B-Vitamins Require Conversion By The Liver To Be Active?
We are often required to consume vitamins in small quantities for performing normal body functions, as our own body fails to synthesize in adequate amounts. Vitamins are often found to work as cofactors that help the enzymes to perform their own work of facilitating body metabolism. Thus, vitamins … [Read more...]
Block This Single Hormone That Causes Prostate Issues And Hair Loss
There is no denying the fact that male baldness is one of the biggest problems for two out of five men. Hence it is quite normal for men to find out ways and means by which this problem can be addressed positively and effectively. While there could be many creams, lotions, tablets and supplements … [Read more...]
Does Intestinal Yeast Cause Weight Gain?
It`s quite difficult for most people to accept that they have fungus inhabiting in their intestines that produces 180-chemical toxins. These toxins can make one feel fatigued and dizzy, shutting down their thyroid, throwing their hormones off balance and make one thirst for sugar and alcohol all of … [Read more...]
D-Glucaric Acid- How it helps Detoxify and Eliminate Metabolic Waste Naturally in the Body
D-Glucaric acid is naturally occurring chemical that is produced in small amount by all mammals, including humans. According to scientific studies, the chemical has the ability to facilitate complete detoxification and elimination of specific metabolic waste products and environmental compounds from … [Read more...]
What Is A Cleanse And Who Should Do It?
Colon cleanse is a procedure that is sometimes necessary for certain other medical procedures, like colonoscopy to name one. However, some people decide to go for it because it gets rid of the toxins that are sticking to the walls of their colon, aiming to improve their overall health. Toxins … [Read more...]
Is There One Pill That Can Detoxify Me?
When we were young, we would always hear things like, “eat your veggies and fruits” and “stay away from junk food”. Now that we’re older, maybe an addition to those reminders is to not smoke and drink more than you can handle. But who would realize that one day all these would be reminders you’d say … [Read more...]
Why You Should Be Using Natural Toothpaste for Your Teeth
While most regular brands of toothpaste are advertised and marketed as vital tools in maintaining oral health, the truth is that they may actually be causing more harm than good. One look at the warning inscribed on any tube of toothpaste will confirm that regular toothpaste is a mix of potentially … [Read more...]
Is Your Popcorn NON-GMO?
Have you ever asked yourself why popcorn is the default snack people choose while watching movies? Let’s just say that popcorn is a delicacy that can be eaten anywhere and by anyone but has strings attached with the movies because a culture grew. The food became popular at carnivals and fairs in the … [Read more...]
What You May Not Know About MSG
Monosodium Glutamate, popularly known as MSG, is a type of salt that is chemically converted into a flavor enhancer. According to research, majority of processed foods contain MSG, meaning that the chemical is widely consumed by human beings on a daily basis. Other researches reveal that there are a … [Read more...]
Diet Soda And Weight Gain
Diet Soda may seem like a good solution for your sugar craving and diet but it is not. It looks like the perfect drink with no calories and only flavored with soda. But in reality it is not a perfect drink. It is packed with chemicals and artificial sweeteners. So drinking it on regular basis leads … [Read more...]
What is the Relationship Between Probiotics and Gut Health?
Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, is quoted saying “All disease begins in the gut.” The wisdom in his words said over 200 years ago has been proven by many doctors and health researchers. Although not all, many chronic metabolic diseases start in the gut. The gut, therefore, needs to be … [Read more...]
Looking For a High Protein Gluten Free Alternative to Rice
Most people eat various types of grains like wheat and corn in their day-to-day life all over the world due to their nutritional value. These food grains have become unavoidable part of their life even if some of them create certain problems for their health. Corn can be harmful to their health as … [Read more...]
Why you need plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet
Lifestyle has changed and the same goes with what you eat. Fast food joints have become so popular that you no longer have to cook to have a tasty meal. You cannot remember the last day you made a visit to the grocer to buy fruits or vegetables. Fries and chicken have become your most preferred … [Read more...]
Safe Natural Remedies That Relieve Inflammation Pain
Inflammation is an immune response of the body that helps in the healing process. But, there also comes a time when it can get out of control and put the body in pain. Inflammation can produce even the most chronic diseases that include cancer. You can be experiencing these conditions and may feel … [Read more...]
Why you should stop Sugar and use Xylitol and Erythritol
Sugar is a sweetener that makes your snacks and cookies taste good but the hazard associated with the consumption of sugar is far higher than the taste derived. There is no doubt that there is an increase in the demand for sugar during the holidays. This is because holidays are great cooking periods … [Read more...]
Worried About Parasites? One Simple Drink Can Help
Do you find it difficult to sleep at night? Do you have digestion problem? Do you feel exhausted and tired even without any physical activities? If the answers of all these questions are yes, then you might be suffering from parasites. Do not worry; it is not a life-threatening disease. You can be … [Read more...]
Why Iodine Is An important Mineral in The Body
Iodine is a type of trace mineral essential for the production of thyroid hormone. This chemical element mainly exists in the form of a water-soluble ion, implying that it concentrates in oceans and salt-water pools. The human body is incapable of making this compound; hence it can only be derived … [Read more...]
Mulberry May Lower Blood Sugar
Blood Pressure is an important health metric that needs to be checked regularly. It is key to knowing if you have hypertension or not. Untreated hypertension can bring about numerous issues in the body. People taking medications that are not prescribed by doctors or physicians face risk of more … [Read more...]
Reducing Pain May be as Simple as Taking More of a Supplement you’re Already Taking
Inflammation is a process whereby the white blood cells of the body and the products they produce cushion human beings from infection with unwelcome organisms such as bacteria and viruses. In some cases such as arthritis, though, the body’s immune system triggers the inflammatory response even when … [Read more...]
Soda Pop Can Cause An Acid State In The Body
Soda pop is one of the most favorite and popular drinks among people all around the world, especially children. But too much of intake of this soda pop can increase the acid level in the body. Due to which many problems can be seen. Most of the researches have shown that having too much of soda pops … [Read more...]
Need An Energy Boost?
YerbaMate, a South American beverage made up from steeped ground leaves and stems of its plant. It has the health benefits of tea, the “strength of coffee, and the ecstasy of chocolate". YerbaMate is the most balanced stimulant giving both nutrition and energy among various other used stimulants in … [Read more...]
Systemic Enzymes Could Help Improve Cardiovascular Health
A large number of chemical reactions that occur in the human body is caused by the catalytic action of enzymes. These reactions help in improving various functions of your body including fighting with diseases, producing energy, repairing damaged cells and promoting overall growth. It has also been … [Read more...]
Enhance Your Immune Defences through Good Digestion
Your immune system protects you from a number of harmful microorganisms including bacteria, toxins and viruses as front line defense. But most of these microorganisms also affect your digestive system adversely. One has to face them round the clock throughout his life as most of the food items … [Read more...]
What You May Not Know About Hyaluronic Acid
Used widely for medical purposes, Hyaluronic acid has become a significant compound for overall body health and wellness. Hyaluronic acid has been a subject of various clinical studies since the 1930’s for its ability to increase fluid viscosity in the body. Today, several health and beauty products … [Read more...]
Are You Taking The Anti-Stress Mineral
If you have been feeling more stressed than usual, perhaps its time to turn to magnesium. Magnesium deficiency is a growing concern all across the world. Because of our fast food culture, the magnesium content of our food is declining. In addition, certain lifestyle factors can cause you to lose … [Read more...]
Olive Leaf May Lower Cholesterol Levels
Although many people are aware of the dangers of high cholesterol in the body, majority are yet to take the necessary measures to curb it. In fact, it appears that cases of people suffering from high cholesterol are on the rise. According to statistics, 33% or 71 million adults in America have too … [Read more...]
Did You Know You Loose Collagen As You Age?
Do you want to maintain a youthful-looking skin and beat the effects of aging? Well, this is a desire in every one of us and if it were possible to reverse the hand of time, we would do that indeed. However, it is important to understand that a lot of things normally take place behind the scene and … [Read more...]
What You May Not Know About Your Pancreas
Located in the middle of abdomen, pancreas is a flat pear-shaped organ surrounded by small intestine, liver and gall bladder. It is unique in that the gland has both an exocrine and endocrine functions. It releases digestive enzymes as well as hormones, which play a vital role in digestion, … [Read more...]
Did You Know There Is An Alternative To Statin Drugs?
Hypercholesterolemia, commonly known as high cholesterol, is a condition that can cause serious consequences if it goes undetected. Typically, too much cholesterol circulating in the blood can lead to accumulation of sticky deposits in the artery walls, blocking the blood flow. The consequences of … [Read more...]
If you are over 40 You May Be Taking This Dangerous Drug
The heart pumps blood to supply oxygen throughout the body. When it moves through the blood vessels, it exerts force against the sides of the walls of the blood vessels. This force with which the blood is gushing is the blood pressure. If blood puts in extra force, the blood pressure is said to be … [Read more...]
Hypertension, Old Age And The Beet root Factor
One of the greatest challenges in the world today is aging. It is often said you can fight it, you can postpone it or even try to run away from it, but when it catches up with you, then there is no escaping. Many people are concerned about getting old for the mere reason of losing their beauty and … [Read more...]
Relaxing Over Worked Adrenal Glands With Schizandra
Adrenal fatigue is a form of exhaustion that occurs when difficulties occur within the Adrenal glands. The adrenals major function is to launch the hormones that control various types of stress and anxiety responses across the body. Most of these human hormones support the entire body with … [Read more...]
Is Your Thyroid Functioning at 100%?
Hypothyroidism is now far more prevalent than once thought. Latest estimates indicate that some 20 million Americans have hypothyroidism. And probably the actual numbers are higher. Some experts say that 10-40 percent of Americans have sub-optimal thyroid function. Thyroid hormones are utilized … [Read more...]
Does A Sore Throat Got You Down?
Sore throat is a very common type of health hazard faced by people all across the world. There is hardly any human being who has not experienced sore throat at least once in his or her lifetime. It’s a typical health condition in which a person feels uneasiness and pain in the throat. In more … [Read more...]
Do You Know The One Mineral That Benefits Hair Skin And Nails The Most?
Our constant urge to remain young has remained undiminished ever since history. Scientists and researchers have been on continuous promulgation of newer ways and ingredients to make hair, skin, and nail lustrous, younger and full of life. Who doesn’t desire wrinkle free skin, head full of hair and … [Read more...]
The Natural Energy-Boosting Power of Diatomaceous Earth and Coconut Oil
If you’re looking for natural, healthy ways to cleanse the body, diatomaceous earth and coconut oil are two simple ingredients that will help. These two powerful substances come straight from the earth, and when combined, form a powerful cleansing formula that can be applied to the skin or taken … [Read more...]
Do You Know The Relationship of Silica Has With The Body?
Silica is a compound of Silicon and oxygen. It is generally what we commonly refer to as sand found all over the earth. Reports about silica being a possible essential element came more than thirty years ago. Some people even say that there is no life without silica due to the very important role it … [Read more...]
Save Those Pumpkin Seeds This Holiday Season
While preparing any delicious pumpkin recipe this holiday season instead of tossing away you should save pumpkin seeds as they can provide a number of health benefits. You can use them in a number of ways to enjoy its benefits to your health. Health benefits of pumpkin … [Read more...]
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Vitamin A Is Essential For A Strong Immune System
Vitamin A is a group of unsaturated organic compounds which are nutritional and it includes retinal, retinoic acid, retinol, and several pro vitamin A carotenoids, and beta-carotene. Vitamin A is found in Cod liver oil, livers of chicken, pork, fish and beef, and it is also available in papaya, … [Read more...]
Experience the Flavor of a Turkish Super Fruit
Do you enjoy trying new things especially foods? Give Turkish Super Fruit "Mulberry Berries" a try: These berries are rich in: Fiber Calcium Iron Vitamin C Resveratrol Mulberries are known for their diverse nutritional properties, Enjoy the unique flavor. This bag of premium … [Read more...]
Sugar Contributes To A Laundry List Of Disease
Are you facing a lot of health complications and finding it difficult to cope with the requirements of modern life? You might be having all these problems because of the consumption of more sugar. Sugar has many harmful effects and, in the long run, it can be fatal. We all know that sugar is not … [Read more...]
Are You Taking The Best Known Immune Stimulant This Winter Season?
The winter season is here and there is bound to be a spurt in colds, cough and viral diseases. Hence, it is very important to take protective and preventive action. While being clothed for the occasion is the first step, there are quite a few other things that also should be taken into account. … [Read more...]
Foods to Avoid When You Have Shingles
You might have experienced rashes due to various reasons but if you have painful rashes with itchy sensation sometimes due to infection then it can be an outbreak of shingles. Many people who have had chickenpox can experience this problem as it caused by similar virus, varicella zoster. This virus … [Read more...]
Gastroparesis is a medical condition that is characterized by partial paralysis of the stomach, which forces food to remain in the digestive system for unusually long periods of time. Movement of food from the stomach to small intestines is usually facilitated by the contraction and relaxation of … [Read more...]
How Iodide Improves Estrogen Metabolism
Many people know iodide for its importance in the thyroid gland. Iodide is one of the most effective forms of iodine. However, what we fail to understand is, aside from its importance in the thyroid, it is also essential in several other parts of the body. In fact iodine is required in little … [Read more...]
Studies–Iodine is the Anti-Wrinkle Mineral You May Need After All
Sometimes all you need is a cut-to-the-chase supplement to add on to your anti-aging diet to help you achieve that elusive skin care for timeless, youthful beauty. It seems iodine is the anti-wrinkle mineral you may need after all. Iodine is a non-metallic substance considered a trace mineral. … [Read more...]
How Apple Cider Vinegar Cures Acid Reflux & Indigestion
Are you struggling with acid reflux or indigestion? These relatively common digestion disorders can cause a lot of pain and discomfort, and may occur in both children and adults. Fortunately, apple cedar vinegar (ACV) has been shown to be effective at improving symptoms and even preventing future … [Read more...]
How You Can Boost Your Immune System With Natural Remedies
The immune system plays an essential role of defending your body against millions of viruses, bacteria, parasites and toxins that can invade it. It is easy to understand the power of the immune system when you consider what happens after an organism dies. All systems shut down and its body is then … [Read more...]
How Bisphenol A Affects Our Health and How To Steer Clear of It
BPA stands for 'Bisphenol A’, a chemical that can act in a similar manner to estrogen and other hormones. It is used to make a wide range of products that we use at home like water bottles as well as medical and dental apparatus such as dental fillings and sealants. This estrogen-mimicking synthetic … [Read more...]
The Benefits of Propolis to the Immune System
Our health is largely sustained by the body’s immune system. A strong immune system helps protect against infections and diseases. The immune system plays a very important role in lengthening our lifetime. While it may be easy to take the immune system for granted because it is good at what it does, … [Read more...]
lysine amino acid is essential for human cells
Lysine is an essential amino acid. The body cannot produce essential amino acids and that is why they must therefore be supplemented. Lysine, together with Vitamin C (taken for one year), helps cure arteriosclerosis and clean cholesterol from blood vessels. Amino acid lysine slows herpes virus … [Read more...]
Absorb More Calcium with Vitamin K
We all know that calcium strengthens the bone, but we do not know that Vitamin K is another key factor of bone health. It helps in strengthening the bones and helps in absorbing calcium like Vitamin D. Vitamin K, especially Vitamin K2 is crucial for preventing any kinds of fractures and also … [Read more...]
Can Apples help Cholesterol?
How can apples help lower cholesterol? This is a question that many people ask. Yes, apples can help with cholesterol. But how does it do that? How the Apple - Cholesterol Magic is Achieved Increases the good cholesterol. Apple has the magic to identify good cholesterol and takes it … [Read more...]
What Causes Free Radicals And How Does It Damage The Body?
Free radicals commonly referred to as radicals are simply molecules that are highly unstable in the body. Basically, molecules are made up of electron bonds. When these bonds are broken, what will remain, is a charged and an unstable molecular fragment, containing unpaired electrons. The unstable … [Read more...]
Improve Eye Health And Reduce Dryness With Omega-7
Dry Eye Syndrome or more commonly known DES has now become a very common phenomenon. If you are above fifty years of age, then there is a high chance of you getting affected by it. In case of women, the occurrence of DES parallels with the menopausal events; and in case of men, DES occurs in … [Read more...]
Mental Decline And Todays Diet!
Mental Decline And Todays Diet! Have you ever wondered why so many older individuals are coming down with Alzheimer's disease? This is largely due to dietary choices in the past two decades. Today's Modern Diet Lack Significant Amounts of … [Read more...]
New Heart Health Nutrition Breakthrough Powered By Omega-7
You heart is the most important organ in the human body. It beats thousands of times a day and you can not live one second with out it. Barleans is proud to bring to you its new product "Heart Remedy with omega-7" Featuring: Patented Purified Palmitoleic Omega-7 Premium Fish Oil 210 … [Read more...]
Protect Your Prostate With Pomegranate Extract
Are you Male and over 40? Then you may be at risk of prostate cancer! Over time the prostate becomes more susceptible to hormones especially the male hormone androgen. As we grow older, testosterone decreases and estrogen and androgen (DHT) increase in men. Fortunately, we can fight back against … [Read more...]
The Benefits of Probiotics To The Colon
In the colon, there exist over 700 species of beneficial or the good bacteria. These bacteria are called probiotics. They are living microorganisms similar to the good bacteria found in your digestive tract. They live in the large intestines. This is, in other words, to mean that they live with us … [Read more...]
Reverse your Greying Hair with Wheat Grass
Contrary to the belief that only aged people develop grey hair, today, young men and women also have patches of grey hair. The hair goes grey when the color-producing cells stop producing melanin, the pigment that gives hair its color. Although many people believe that pre-mature greying of hair is … [Read more...]
Go Freekeh Over Ancient Grains
Whole Grains Can Be Healthy And Gluten Free! Ancient grains are one of the hottest food trends today. They have been around for thousands of years, but unlike corn and wheat, these super grains have not been selectively cross-bred and hybridized. These nutritious grains are similar to their … [Read more...]
Drink Your Veggies To Better Health
Tasty & Convenient! Mixes Instantly - No Juicing Mess! 3 Pure Drink Mixes + 1 Combination of 8 Veggies! Energize, Cleanse and Fortify! Easily Increase Your Veggie Intake! You can Drink Your Veggies In 3 easy Steps: Add 6 - 8 oz liquid to cup or blender. Add 1 Tablespoon of … [Read more...]
What are the health benefits of Astaxanthin?
Astaxanthin is a xanthophyll; a kind of carotenoid found in foods like salmon, trout, crustaceans, krill, algae and yeast. It's astaxanthin which gives these animals a distinctive red color in their flesh when they're cooked. There also other types of carotenoids, including beta carotene in carrots, … [Read more...]
Hypertension, Stroke, What can you do to prevent it?
Hypertension is a known factor in stroke but you can offset this with a simple vitamin supplement. Beijing's Peking University First Hospital followed more than 20,000 adults who had high blood pressure but had not had a stroke or heart attack over a 4.5 year period. Half received standard … [Read more...]
Can The Membrane from Eggs Help Improve Joint Mobility?
Every time you crack an egg to cook some eggs, the membrane that is attached to shell which you toss out could be the key to better joint health. Recently, scientists have discovered the membrane of eggs are composed of major joint components, including chondroitin, glucosamine, hyaluronic acid, … [Read more...]
How Does Your Vitamin-C Stack Up?
Did you know that Vitamin C is water soluble? You are probably asking your self what does that mean? Water soluble means the substance in this case vitamin C can dissolve completely in water. This also means it can easily be eliminated from the body. To truely gain benefit from vitamin C we … [Read more...]
Product Testing In Question?
With all the buzz about Supplement Fraud, how do you know your brand is providing legitimate vitamins and herbs? You have every right to question the supplements you take. Why spend money on vitamins and herbs to find out you are getting nothing but filler. I recommend sticking to brands that … [Read more...]
Saffron Tea still in stock!
Hey everybody, we still Saffron tea by Heritage Store available and ready to ship. When everybody else is out of stock we have about 48 left. First come first serve. Get saffron tea here! while supplies last. … [Read more...]
What Is The Herb Lobelia Good For?
What is a lobelia? The Herb Lobelia also known as asthma weed or Indian tobacco has various uses for the body. Health benefits of lobelia or asthma weed It is known for being effective when it comes to reducing breathing problems during asthma attacks, it is also known for being effective in … [Read more...]
How Goldenseal Root Helps Fight Colds
What is a goldenseal? Goldenseal is a root known for its professed medicinal properties, and is among the top selling herbal properties in the United States. It can be found in eardrops, dietary supplements, allergy remedies, cold/flu remedies, digestive aids and laxatives. Often, Goldenseal is … [Read more...]
Maca: The Peruvian Super Plant
What is a maca Maca is a native herbaceous plant of Peru, an ancient plant species that traces its origin of cultivation way back 2,000 years ago in Central Peru, in the area of San Blas. Believed to be one of the top super foods, maca is known for its energy boosting effect for men and women. … [Read more...]
Benefits Of A Fiber Rich Diet To Your Intestinal Health
What are the health benefits of fiber? Fiber is a part of a healthy diet and a diet with enough fiber has many health benefits. Enough consumption of fiber is essential in preventing diabetes, heart diseases, some cancers; weight gain as well is improving digestive health. Unfortunately, many … [Read more...]
Can Maca Root Help My Hormone Levels?
Balancing hormones Are you suffering from hormonal imbalance? Well, you can try many treatments to regulate the hormone growth in your body. For example, leading a healthier lifestyle that includes a nutritious diet and regular exercise is vital for managing this disproportion. However, if you … [Read more...]
Importance of Glutathione to the liver
What is a Glutathione? Glutathione is an antioxidant that is necessary for prevention of heart disease, cancer, aging, dementia and many others. It is also necessary for treating Alzheimer's disease, autism AIDS and many other chronic diseases. The antioxidant contains a chemical known as sulfur … [Read more...]
Can Magnesium Help Neuropathy?
What is a neuropathy Neuropathy is a condition that occurs because of nerve damage. Neuropathy can also be termed as Peripheral neuropathy. Peripheral neuropathy The term peripheral neuropathy refers to a complication that occurs when the peripheral nervous system is damaged. Peripheral nerves … [Read more...]
How Does Omega-3 Help Relieve Inflammation Pain?
Fish Oils What is the effect of consuming fish oil, which contains Omega 3 to gout? This query is answered by knowing the effects of this substance to gout patients or even for healthy people. There are several manifestations of this disease, which are relieved through consuming this … [Read more...]
Alzheimer’s disease and how vitamin D helps to fight the condition
What is an Alzheimer’s Disease? Alzheimer’s disease is a condition that causes changes in behavior and memory lapse. The disease is usually progressive and this means that it becomes worse with time. AD as the condition is commonly referred to most common type of dementia. What is … [Read more...]
Health Benefits of Coconut Sugar
Substitute for sugar You will scarcely discover an individual who has not caught wind of the negative outcomes of intemperate sugar utilization. A few classifications of individuals like overweight individuals and those agonies from diabetes are not permitted to consume sugar whatsoever. … [Read more...]
Benefits of Hemp Seed
What is a hemp seed? Hemp seeds are the most nutritious natural health food, which makes a human healthy, fit, and fine. Produced by a strain of the Cannabis plant, these seeds contain proteins, amino acids, and fatty acids essential for a healthy human body. The best thing about these seeds is … [Read more...]
Citronella Mosquito Repellant
What is citronella? Citronella is a substance regularly used to repulse bugs, mostly mosquitoes. It comes in numerous structures that individuals can utilize. It is regular oil that mosquitoes a whole lot despise. A citronella geranium, likewise called mosquito geranium, is a type of plant that … [Read more...]
Can St Johns Wort Help Stress?
What is St. John's Wort St.john’s wort is an herb mostly found in Europe and US. It grows naturally, but due to its variety of health benefits, people are planting it in their homes, not mainly for aesthetic value, but for medical purposes. Uses of St. John's Wort For centuries, St. … [Read more...]
Agave Nectar: The Advantages Over White Sugar
What is agave nectar Agave nectar can be a slightly better sweetener than white granulated sugar. There are several reasons that it is either the same or better than white sugar. The glycemic index plays a huge part in most of the advantages that agave has over refined sugars. Agave may, however, … [Read more...]
Is Potassium Iodide Good For The Thyroid?
What is the thyroid? You may have heard about the thyroid, but, do you really know what it is and what it does? Well, let me explain it in the simplest way possible. The thyroid is a large butterfly – shaped gland in the neck that secretes hormones that regulate growth and development. Your … [Read more...]
Facts about DHEA and Benefits
What is DHEA? Dehydroepiandrosterone commonly known as DHEA is a hormone that is produced by the body's adrenal glands that are located just above the kidneys. DHEA supplements are also found in the market and most of them are often made from the wild soy or yam. This makes a natural product that … [Read more...]
Can Apple Pectin Help Reduce Cholesterol Levels?
Cholesterol People with cholesterol levels higher than the desired levels of 200mg/dl should worry because too much cholesterol in the bloodstream makes one susceptible to coronary heart disease, cancer and a host of other problems. How is high cholesterol detrimental to health? Bad cholesterol … [Read more...]
The Best Stretch Mark Creams, What You Need To Know Before You Buy.
Stretch mark There are truly a couple of stretch mark creams available nowadays and it could be truly confounding to evaluate which is the best cream to treat your skin while pregnant. Then again, before you pick a cream, it is important to realize which stretch mark cream is best to consider. … [Read more...]
How Basil Helps in Reducing Cortisol Levels in the Body
What is cortisol It is true that Basil herbal plant can reduce the level of cortisol in the body. Cortisol is a stress hormone that is produced in the body by the adrenal glands. Its production is purely stimulated by the low energy levels in the body. The main role of this hormone is to mobilize … [Read more...]
Is CoQ10 Hard To Absorb In The Body?
CoQ10 CoQ10 is a highly rated health supplement that is sold commercially in the international markets. However, the human body in the form of an anti-oxidant, the rate, naturally synthesizes CoQ10 and quantity at which it is produce tends to diminish, as you get older. Hence, your body fails to … [Read more...]
What Is Marjoram Essential Good For
Where does Marjoram Essential Oil Originate From? Marjoram oil comes from the Marjoram Shrub and is an Herb. They are a perennial herb that originated in the middle eastern countries and are grown all over the world today. There are three forms of the Marjoram Shrub, The Sweet Marjoram, the … [Read more...]
The Health Benefits of Pycnogenol
What is a pycnogenol Pycnogenol, an extract of a certain type of pine bark, it is acclaimed by many nutritionists and doctors as a prime antioxidant with many health benefits. Benefits of pycnogenol Like other antioxidants, pycnogenol helps fight free radicals in the body, thus ensuring … [Read more...]
Why Is Fish Oil A Good Anti-Inflammatory Supplement?
Diet We all know that a healthy diet is the secret for a good health. However, do you know the right path to better nutrition and health? Other than keep or lose weight, a good diet will help you prevent diseases and possibly extend your life. Each nutrient, vitamins and minerals have … [Read more...]
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